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他唱个简单曲子都走调儿。None of them could sing in tune.

他唱个简单曲子都走调儿。He cannot carry even a simple tune.

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一你知道,我唱敉总是走调。I always sing out of tune, you see.

这把小提琴好像走调了。The violin seems to be out of tune.

那位高个男孩好像走调了。That tall boy seemed to be out of tune.

他无论何时唱歌,经常走调。He is often out of tune whenever he sings.

别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。Don't butcher that song by singing off key.

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合唱团有些地方明显走调了。The choir was distinctly out of tune in places.

过一段时间以后,小提琴就会走调儿,而且声音难听。In time a violin goes out of tune , and sounds awful.

这架钢琴走调走得厉害,让我觉得非常刺耳。The piano is badly out of tune and jangles on my ears.

小夜曲唱走调,那雄鲸老兄你今夜就得独自徘徊了。Serenade out of tune—you might be swimming solo tonight.

想说就说不打草稿,想唱就唱即使走调。Want to say just say no, xiang chang jiu chang even out of tune.

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他转动钥匙,那走调的引擎开动了,车了沿着小巷颠簸着向大路驶去。He turned the key, and the out -of-tune engine ground to a start.

“我不知道,”她说,尽力使她的嗓音不走调。"I don't know, " she said, working to keep her own voice straight.

他唱得真不怎么样,经常走调,不过我还得鼓掌叫好。He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still have to applaud.

如果音乐走调了,那么就表明了不平衡或者能量场里不正确的运动。If the music goes sour, it denotes imbalance or the improper movement in the field.

起初,他们的语言听起来很走调,像是勒着喉咙发出来的辅音和静电干扰的噪音。At first, their language sounded out of tune, full of strangled consonants and static.

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正是那云雀唱得如此走调、扯起嘶哑的喉咙、发出讨厌的尖叫声。It is the lark that sings so out of them, straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

当问到她关于钢琴的事时,她解释道,简单地说钢琴那时变得走调了,实在听不下去。She explained that it had simply gotten so out of tune that she could not stand to hear it any more.

我最初的发现是他的奶奶酷爱音乐,经常花好几个小时弹她那架老旧又走调了的钢琴。My first discovery was his grandmother's great love of music. She spent hours playing her old, off-key piano.