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你需要有急迫感!You need a sense of urgency.

他的双臂开始急迫的挥动,他在指什么?His arms are flailing, urgent.

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但他是有急迫性的工作且不能被延迟。But it is urgent work that cannot be deferred.

今天又会是一个充满紧张与急迫感的一天。It will be another day of tension and urgency.

我没有让他们意识到需要和解的急迫性。I wasn't creating any urgency for them to heal.

万分急迫三天前公园里有一些海豹吗?不,没有。Were there any seals in the park a few days ago?

哭喊声越来越响,更加急迫。The cries and shouts became louder and more urgent.

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中国政府肯定不会暗示这有任何的急迫性.Beijing certainly gave no hint of feeling any urgency.

每个人对人生的急迫性都有不同看法。Everybody has a different sense of urgency in this life.

她的声音因急迫而异常尖锐,打破了黑暗。Her voice was shrill with urgency and rioted in the dark.

撒哈拉以南非洲对援助的需要尤为急迫。The need for aid is especially acute in Sub-Saharan Africa.

有时候,急迫的问题是必须处理数据分类。Sometimes, the pressing issue has to do with data categorization.

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有一种急迫的严肃性正在流行,等待合适的时机,寻求突破。There is an anxious seriousness in the air, waiting for an outlet.

万分急迫他穿着蓝色裤子,褐色的鞋子和白色的T-恤衫。He is wearing a pair of blue pants, brown shoes and a white T-shirt.

这男孩非常急迫地要他老爸给他一部电脑。To obtain a computer from his father, the boy gave his eyeteeth for it.

有时有急迫性尿失禁,排尿时尿道烧灼感。Sometimes is urgent incontinence, pass urine urethral burning sensation.

肾脏供体的短缺是其中最急迫的问题。A shortage of suitable kidneys for transplant is the most common problem.

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但事实上,他们并不会在第二天有急迫感,或者在压力发挥出最好的工作状态。But in fact they do not get the urge the next day or work best under pressure.

是工作比原来变得更忙,更急迫了,还是只有我们是这样吗?Is it just us, or does work seem to be busier and more urgent than ever before?

4的开局已经增加了急迫性,某种意义上,急迫性也是压力。An 0-4 start has increased the urgency, and at some point, urgency can become tension.