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由于今年秋季航空公司将削减运力,现在是预订机票的好时候。With capacity cuts planned for the fall, now is a good time to book.

同时,乘客的体验也随着运力的削减而转移。What is shifting along with diminishing capacity is the passenger experience.

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在美国,运力的三分之二都用在了油料运输上。In the United States, transportation accounts for about two-thirds of oil demand.

史蒂兰德说,西北航空公司2008年不打算加入进一步削减运力的活动中。Mr. Steenland said his airline did not anticipate making more capacity cuts in 2008.

现在,航空公司正在削减这些航线的运力,同时进行机票促销。Now airlines are reducing capacity on those routes as well, and putting seats on sale.

运力的削减在旅行者中引起了关注,甚至是警报。The capacity cuts are causing concern, even alarm, among travelers and their advocates.

禁止购置超龄、报废船舶作为新增和更新运力。Purchase of overage or scrapped ships to increase and renew transportation capacity is forbidden.

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夏县运力化工有限公司主要从事化学品研制、开发和生产。Xiaxian Yunli Chemical Co. , Ltd. is mainly engaged in chemical research, development and production.

因此,法航的解决方案是充分利用运力、提高成本控制和效率、创新。So, the solution for Air France is to use capacity, improve cost control and efficiency, and innovate.

虎航将使用A320来运营此航线,每周运力从900个座位增加到1260个。Tiger will use A320 equipment to operate this service and will increase weekly capacity from 900 to 1260 seats.

航空公司马上开始计划削减运力和提高机票价格,希望借此抵消在燃油方面的开支。The airlines immediately began planning capacity cuts and raising ticket prices to help absorb higher fuel prices.

尽管运力和票价都经过几次大幅度的下降,但旅客量仍然在减少。Traffic is heavily subdued and, despite some drastic cuts in capacity and prices, passenger numbers are still slowing.

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本文使用数学规划方法建立了航空货运多航段多阶段模型,以解决航空货运运力分配中的两个问题。So, a multi-leg and multi-period model is established with programming 0-1 integer in order to solve the two problems above.

与此同时,乘客向高铁新线分流还让原本拥挤不堪的旧有线路能为货运留出更多运力。Meanwhile, a shift in passenger traffic to the new high-speed rail routes has freed up congested older rail lines for freight.

由于宁波港的煤炭专用泊位不足,致使船舶滞期严重,造成大量运力浪费。Lack of special berths for loading & unloading coal caused vessels' serious demurrage and great loss of transportation capacity.

而在航运市场目前运力短缺的情况下,这些新船将为该公司创造丰厚的利润。Those are ships for which the company should be able to charge a big premium, given the current tightness in the shipping market.

中远集团控制的船队规模突破5000万载重吨,综合运力稳居世界二,企业生产能力迈上新台阶。Vessel fleet of COSCO can handle more than 50 million DWTs and its comprehensive carrying capacity ranks the second in the world.

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发改委说,铁路运营商不得在煤炭购销合同签订之前分配运力。The NDRC said it would now prohibit railway operators from allocating transportation quotas before coal contracts have been signed.

航空类股在油价走低以及运力削减计划的提振下大幅飙升,进而增加了航空公司明年实现盈利的可能性。Airline stocks rallied with the price drop, along with planned capacity cuts, making it more likely carriers may be profitable next year.

各大航空公司为了保证运力充足,也纷纷宣布将在春运期间加密航线。In order to ensure airline capacity, major airlines also declare that more flights will be added for transport during the Spring Festival.