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这道牛肉排骨真是太特别了。It’s special.

排骨汆水后以冷水洗净备用。Wash and scald spare ribs.

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这里最出名的当然是瓦煲生煲排骨。Here's Claypot Ribs is very famous.

腿骨和肉片、关节和排骨。Shanks and cutlets, joints and ribs.

焖出排骨的风味!Make a flavoursome dish of stewed ribs!

不,我喜欢吃虾。我们不该要这排骨。We shouldn't have ordered the spareribs.

扬州炒饭,排骨山药汤,橘子。Fried rice, Sparerib soup with yam, Orange.

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油热后放葱姜,放排骨下锅炸黄。Fry chopped Onion and ginger, then put ribs in.

排骨洗净后,切成5厘米左右小段。Rinse the pork spareribs and cut into 5cm pieces.

排骨店老板让血滴到庄稼上。只见它目射凶光。The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops.

排骨放入滚水内川烫,捞起沥干水份。Scald pork ribs with boiling water, remove and drain.

排骨时蔬蒸饭,西红柿蛋汤,苹果。Chop green vegetable steamed rice, Tomato and egg soup.

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于是她买了一根排骨并把它放进菜篮子里。So she bought one chop and put it in her market basket.

不要剃掉我的鬓须,我需要这些羊排骨。Don't shave off my sideburns, I need those mutton chops.

面片只压不搓才成排骨块状。Pressure is not only patches it into the ribs rub block.

他说,“我还喜欢伊佐拉的焖猪排和排骨。And I love Izola's smothered pork chops and the short ribs.

我做了汉堡,排骨,鸡脯肉,还有培根虾卷。I made burgers, ribs, sliced chicken, and shrimp with bacon.

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猪的排骨切成寸长小段,将它进行腌渍入味。Pork ribs cut into inch long pieces, pickled it to be tasty.

他们在厨房后面剔羊肋排骨。They were in the back of the kitchen , boning racks of lamb.

听起来很美味啊,但是我还是非常想吃排骨。That sounds delicious. but I had my heart set on the spareribs.