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买下来,享受上身的喜悦吧。Buy them and enjoy them.

我想用枕头把上身垫高些。I want to be propped up with pillows.

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在海滩上你能看到赤裸着上身的女人。You can see topless women on beaches.

她骄傲地展示上身,却仔细掩藏了下体。She shows her topsides, hides her bottom.

伸展上身向前,双手落于地板。Stretch torso forward, put hands on floor.

中国光着上身,下边一条裙子一条内裤。China bares top, with a panties and a skirt.

送礼不当可能会使你惹祸上身。Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.

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男性应该为赤裸上身而自豪。The guys should be proud of the male toplessness.

思想如磁铁,引物上身。Thoughts are like magnets, drawing effects to you.

上身力量的增加尤其明显。Upper-body strength gains were particularly noted.

其中有一幅他的自画像和一幅画我的裸上身人像。There's a self-portrait and one of me bare-chested.

他先转动上身,然后把椅子转过来。He half-turned and then pulled his chair right round.

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这的确是简单的办法,来防止引火上身。It really the simplest way to keep from getting burned.

宾特说,他正努力避免麻烦上身。Bint said he is making an effort to stay out of trouble.

现在世界上身著紫衣执行绞刑的人---转为哀求慈悲!Now Purpled Hangmen of the world–turn and beg for mercy!

它们和上身的米色珠片带不相配。They do not match the Ivy sequin strips on top of dress.

这是避免引火上身最简单的方法。It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.

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我还做甲基丙烯酸甲酯作为一种爱好和上身的力量是必须的。I also do MMA as a hobby and upper body strength is a must.

这的确是简单的办法,来防止引火上身。It really is the simplest way, to keep from getting burned.

事实上,你上身动得越少,则表明你的舞技越高。In fact, the less your body moves the better a dancer you are.