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名字就叫Cansu吧,回车。Let's do Cansu, enter.

,2,3,回车。One, two, three, Enter.

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回车。,GCC,,hi2。c,,enter。,好像工作了。GCC hi2 c It seems to work.

好,我要点回车了,瞧!So now I hit enter and voila!

本脚本会删除这个回车。The script removes this break.

对,是回车的意思。Yeah, so this is a carriage return.

编译成功,我们接着回车。It works. Let me go ahead and rerun.

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这是math3,所以键入“make,math3“,回车。This is math3, so make math3, Enter.

好的,然后run,copy1,回车。All right, I'm going to run copy one enter.

删除行尾的回车和连字符。Removes returns and hyphens at end of line.

我们继续运行return1,回车。So let's go ahead and run return one, enter.

请选择一个下载点,然后回车!Please select a download mirror and press enter!

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让我们继续输入“make,condition2“,然后敲回车。Let's go ahead and make conditions2, and hit Enter.

我运行它,回车,但那里什么也没出现。So I run this, Enter, and therein lies the nothing.

磁盘引导失败,插入系统盘后按回车。Disk Root Failure, insert system disk and press enter.

注意在这两项之间需要使用回车符号。Note that carriage return is required between entries.

咱们回车上去换掉这身湿衣服吧。Let's get back to the car and change our soaked clothes.

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回车。,Malan@cloud。cs50。net,,enter。,现在需要我输入密码。Malan@cloud cs50 net It's asking me now for my password.

最小化任务管理器,键入密码后按回车。Minimize Task Manager, type the password and press Enter.

作为回车符和换行符的组合。For the carriage return and linefeed character combination.