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空缺已经递补了。I have got a vacancy, yes.

递补选举看起来作弊了。The by-elections seemed rigged.

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那个职位还没有人递补。The position is not yet filled.

约翰是递补这个空缺的最佳人选。The vacancy has already been filled.

观察家托赫兰恩还注意到这次选举本身是递补选举。Observer Thoahlane also notes that this was a by-election.

目前发现的新资源,只够递补我们消耗的磷矿,但阻止不了磷矿耗尽。Meanwhile new discoveries are likely just to forestall the depletion of reserves, not to prevent it.

编写一个在同一个字符串中删除字符,并将其余字符向前递补的程序。Write a string to remove the same characters, and filled by the remaining characters in the program forward.

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双方要监督菲律宾人力仲介公司所收取的递补费用,并确保只能收取菲律宾海外就业署所规定的费用。It would monitor the placement fee collected by the PRA and ensure that it only collects the POEA prescribed fees.

同时也必须选派一位候补代表,若该代表无法出席时方可递补代理之。An alternate also should be chosen at that time to serve in the event the representative cannot attend the Council.

此份切结书要求当劳委会递补函上的工作期间少于一年且可展延时适用。This certification is required if the replacement approval letter issued by CLA is less than one year and with extension.

运用灰色系统理论中“等维灰数递补动态模型”对城市生活用水量进行了分析与预测。The urban life-water quantity is analyzed and forecasted by using the same dimension gray recurrence dynamic model of gray system theory.

中央委员会委员出缺,由中央委员会候补委员按照得票多少依次递补。Vacancies on the Central Committee shall be filled by its alternate members in the order of the number of votes by which they were elected.

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经过数月的政党会议、递补选举、初选、媒体猜测、言论攻击,美国总统提名期已经结束。After umpteen months of caucuses, by-elections, primaries, media speculation and mud-slinging, the American Presidential Nomination season is over.

但主管尚会受到职务出缺时递补时间的急迫性和出缺职务内容多样性的影响,而产生四种不同类型的决策限制。However, affected by the imminence of filling up a vacancy and diversity of vacant positions, superiors would be subject to 4 types of decision constraints.

在本月初的立法会递补选举中,知名民主人士、前香港政务司司长陈方安生轻易胜出。A legislative by-election earlier this month saw a well-known democracy advocate win handily . The victor, former top civil servant Anson Chan, criticized Mr.

本文通过对历史数据的最优分段,提出了等维递补灰色校正模型,可以很好地解决这个问题。Based on the optimum segment of historical data, the equivalent dimensions additional grey correct model is proposed, so it is a good solution to this problem.

本文通过对历史数据的最优分段,提出了等维递补灰色校正模型,可以很好地解决这个问题。On the basis of traditional Grey Model, the article improves Grey Model by the combination of equal dimension and new information and Residual error correction.

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党的地方各级委员会委员出缺,由候补委员按照得票多少依次递补。Vacancies on the local Party committees at all levels shall be filled by their alternate members in the order of the number of votes by which they were elected.

最初,古巴名将罗伯斯以13秒14的成绩问鼎冠军,但是赛后,中国体育代表团申诉成功,罗伯斯犯规,金牌被取消,最终刘翔递补获得亚军。Robles hit the finishing line first in 13.14 seconds but was disqualified of his mark and the title for disruption of the event after the Chinese team made an appeal.

黎巴嫩支持和反对政府的两个党派分别声称将在递补选举中胜出。递补选举是为了填补过去几年由于政治暗杀造成的议会席位空缺。In Lebanon, pro- and anti-government parties each claimed wins in a by-election to fill two parliamentary seats left vacant by political assassinations over the past year.