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于是他们将他捆绑起来,押送到Ea跟前。They bound him, holding him before Ea.

押送他的警察不让他跟我说话。His police escort forbade him to speak to me.

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在被押送登船后,桑克便展开一系列的反抗。Cinqué initiates a rebellion on board the vessel.

凯伊爵士出现了,他押送这位美国佬到卡米洛。Sir Kay appears and escorts the Yankee to Camelot.

警察把罪犯用车押送到看守所。The police carted the criminals away to the lockup for prisoners.

在解释了我们为什么会在这里后我被枪对着押送到一间旅馆。After explaining why I was there, I was escorted at gunpoint to a hostel.

他们逮捕,斋把他押送到了新泽西警方。They arrested Zhai Tiantian and turned him over to the New Jersey police.

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你还知道了一队当地人正在被押送向前。You also learn that a contingent of local hostages is being held up ahead.

后来加西亚被押送至圣地亚哥监护所。Garcia was transported to the custody of the San Diego Sheriff's Department.

押送车经过各式各样的伊利诺斯州的农田,Lincoln注视着窗外的景色。As the van passes various Illinois farm fields, Lincoln stares out the window.

赛迪·汤姆逊将由总督办公室的一名职员押送上船。Sadie Thompson was to be escorted on board by a clerk in the governor's office.

一八四八年载运杜伊勒里宫财富的那些货车是由谁押送的?By whom were the wagons containing the wealth of the Tuileries escorted in 1848?

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李世民与如意在野中玩耍嘻戏,忽然看见远处走来一支押送囚犯的车队。During the play with the play play, suddenly see the prisoners coming off a team.

高大勺子打倒了押送他的人,回来找红根,黄漂说他已经回去了。Big spoon down escorted him come back for the red root, Huang Piao said he had returned.

前原让井上帮忙押送马上花和余本州一起去新京。Before the original let wells immediately go to help escort Beijing and take over the state.

李春潭正押送着一船官粮沿河而下,准备去安徽怀宁的大昌口。Li Chuntan was in charge of sending foodstuffs down the river to Dachangkou in Huaining, Anhui.

一辆巨型半挂自卸车猛地冲过停止信号,砰地撞上押送车的后半部分。A giant semi truck blows through the stop sign and slams into the back half of the transport van.

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但当马宏看到他要坐的车是押送犯人的,他就明白其实根本就没什么会面。Yet when Mahone sees that the car brought to him is a perp transport, he knows that there is no deal.

被撞烂的惩教处押送车成90度翻转躺在荒凉的路面旁。Battered and twisted, the Department of Corrections van lays on its side next to the deserted roadway.

就在押送金保等人去监狱的途中,同车犯人企图劫车逃跑。On escorting Jin-Bao and others on his way to the prison, with inmates attempted car-jacking cars escape.