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他深切的爱着你。He loves you passionately.

我们将深切缅怀吉亚琴托。We will miss Giacinto so much.

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我深切地信奉这一使命。I believe deeply in that mission.

他觉察到了她深切的痛苦。He perceived the depth of her pain.

谨致最深切的慰问。May I offer my deepest condolences?

让我深切地渴念我的祖国爱尔兰。That made me think on Ireland dearly.

出版业目前在深切治疗中还是已经陈尸停尸间呢?Are we in intensive care or the morgue ?

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特别是对细节予以深切的注意。Expecially the deep notice to the detail.

这充满了深切怀念的十日。Ten days that being full of remembrances.

我们深切怀念吴崇筠教授。We deeply cherish the memory of Prof. Wu.

愿灵安眠,深切问候奥巴马的家人。RIP Obama, best regards to the Obama family.

还是那句话,俺们对那些没开过它的人表示深切地同情。Still, we take pity on those of you haven't.

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牙齿都是有根的,牙根深切到你的牙床里。They have roots that go deep into your gums.

我们对动物怀有最深切的歉意。We owe the animals our profoundest apologies.

为褶皱断块山地,断裂处河谷深切。To fold block mountain, breaks in deep valleys.

特别是对细节予以深切的注意。Especially pay a deep-felt attention to details.

这座宏伟的建筑集中体现了当地人深切的自豪感。The grand building polarizes a deep local pride.

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我亲爱的克拉拉,我爱你如此深切,做什么我都愿意!What would I not do for love of you, my own Clara!

她感到一种从未有过的快乐和一种深切的酸楚。She felt an unheard-of joy, and a profound anguish.

深切的回念,教科书式的讲述,还是一种单纯的崇拜?Or a textbook-like talking or just a simple worship?