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哦,布谷!我该称你鸟?Cuckoo! shall I call thee Bird.

温柔的阳光普照大地,布谷鸟儿把歌唱哟Come gentle sun, while the cuckoo sings

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我想连布谷都可以飞得比你更快吧?I think Boog can fly faster than you, huh?

杜鹃说现在三点钟,他为我们报时。布谷,布谷,布谷。My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.

钟里的小鸟愉快地跳出来,“布谷布谷”地叫着。The bird in the clock gaily hops out and says cuckoo.

这是根据宣布谷歌的马特卡茨。This is based upon an announcement by Google's Matt Cutts.

之后就是布谷催种,细雨绵绵的季节了。Followed by reminders of Bulu, the season of the continuous rain.

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故事情节围绕在一只性情非常温驯的大棕熊布谷身上。The story centers on Boog, a grizzly2 with a rather mild3 attitude.

谁能想到布谷钟也能演变成骇人的东西?Who knew that the mild-mannered cuckoo clock could evolve into such a gruesome object?

当布谷在荒野中醒来,非常慌乱的发现,自己竟远离了舒适的老家!Boog awakens in the wilderness, panicked to find himself far from the comforts of home.

一到整点,成百上千的落地钟和布谷钟齐鸣。The hour strikes and the melody of hundreds of grandfather and cuckoo clocks rings out.

他当即冒出个念头,又“布谷”了九声,指望他老婆会以为那是半夜十二点。Quickly coming up with a plan, he cuckooed nine more times, hoping his wife would think it was midnight.

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我叫布谷,布谷鸟的布,布谷鸟的谷。我曾是一只住在森林的布谷鸟。我要给你讲一个故事,一个发生在森林的故事。I'm cuckoo, cuckoo cloth cuckoo valley. I was living in a forest cuckoo. I'll tell you a story, a story of the forest.

在苏格兰,愚人节要持续2天,被耍的人被称为“四月布谷”。In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "April Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird.

驯养的布谷的故事吓坏了,决定“鸡”,他们每年夏天露营,直到他知道狼人了。Domesticated Boog is terrified by the story and decides to "chicken out" of their annual summer camping trip until he knows the werewolf is gone.