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霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。It seemed as if the world was at an end.

在天边淌出一股金色细流的霎那间,黎明破晓,森林苏醒。In a slick of molten gold, dawn breaks and the trees awaken.

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霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end.

霎那间,一大群犹太人从四面八方的黑洞里发疯似地冲了出来。Instantly from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews.

霎那间数以万计的人失去了家园,失去了家人。Shana between tens of thousands of people lost their homes, lost family members.

徐徐的红霞透露出天光隐隐的希望,霎那间如同挥墨祭奠刚刚停留过的朝阳。The red reveal faint hope sky, suddenly as volatile ink Memorial just stayed sunny.

迅速地从这个短暂的过失恢复回来,霎那间的过失,一个感官的遐想。She quickly recovers from this brief lapse, a momentary lapse, into sensual reverie.

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霎那间就能实现,但要用一世的热情追求才能保持。Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.

不一的淡定与野趣让人们在霎那间注意到小猫的面部时瞬间破碎。Buyi Quiet and relaxation of different people at once noted that when broken facial kitten.

没想到我落地的霎那间,那对夫妇却决定收养一名女孩。Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.

霎那间,一种“壮志难酬”的慨叹控制了我!For an instant, a sigh of regret for "great aspirations difficult to fulfill" overwhelmed me!

她把老狗拿出来,霎那间---曾无比失落的两个灵魂---发现了点燃起希望之火的动力。She brought the old dog out and instantly the two souls---once so lost---found reason to hope.

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她看着他,立刻感到了那以前只经历过一次的霎那间碰撞的火花。She looked at him and felt the instant spark of connection she had only experienced once before.

感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.

第二个要求比前一个金发女子聪明,霎那间她被变成了一个黑发女人。The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one, so instantly she is turned into a black haired woman.

每个老师都将这些温馨的花儿摆在最显眼的地方,整个办公室霎那间变得艳丽非凡。Each teacher will these sweet flowers placed in the most conspicuous place, the entire office suddenly becomes singular beauty.

霎那间,这些普通的石头立刻变得光彩夺目。顿时,一种难以形容的灿烂与美丽出现在我们眼前。Instantly the prosaic rocks leaped into a kind of glory. Brilliant colors of an indescribable beauty were there before our eyes.

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霎那间,枪口对准了费伯的肚子,大卫的手指放在板机上。费伯立即意识到,死亡近在咫尺。At that instant, with the shotgun pointed at his belly and David's finger curling around the trigger, Faber felt very close to death.

在花式骑马训练课程中,我的爱马失足摔倒,因为惊恐突然立起,霎那间我就被抛到了一面墙上。During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.

霎那间,我突然意识到,一直以来,我的父母需要用一种怎样的勇气来面对我的冷漠和他们工作上的压力。It was not until then did I realize, how much courage it must have taken for years to subject themselves to both their working stress and my impassiveness.