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应急停止程序业经同意?Has the emergency shutdown procedure been agreed?

事故的某些细节业经删除。Some details of the accident have been red-penciled.

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他所犯的种种罪行业经屡次证明无疑。Every sort of villainy has repeatedly been brought home to him.

液货及压载操作程序业经同意?Have the procedures for cargo and ballast handling been agreed?

随函附上业经我方会签的销售合同。Enclosed is the duplication of our countersigned sales contract.

本义务业经必要的修改同样适用于复印件和副本。These obligations apply mutatis mutandis to copies and duplicates.

眼下,国内学术界对报业经济的理论研究方兴未哀。Nowadys, study on newspaper economy by domestic academic circles is just unfolding.

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业经注册的船员不得重复申请船员注册。Already registered seamen may not make repeated application for seaman registration.

认清蚕文化的价值是振兴当代蚕业经济的基础。The value of the sericulture culture is the base of sericulture economy of modern days.

本文提出的通讯方式业经50余井次的实践,文中给出了应用效果。This communication mode has been used for50 wells and the application results are given.

武田公司表示理解顾问团的决定,公司强调了其立场,艾可拓的安全性方面业经证实。Takeda said following the panel decision that the company underscored its position that Actos offers a proven safety profile.

所有这些服务,旨在为旅客提供舒适的食宿环境,所以,旅馆业经常被称为食宿产业。All of these services are designed to accommodate the traveler, so the hotel business is of ten referred to as the accommodations industry.

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分业经营还是混业经营在我国金融开放的条件下成为一个必须正视的问题。Whether to divide the financial companies or mix them becomes a question that we must face under the open condition of finance in our country.

安全理事会对于当事国为解决争端业经采取之任何程序,理应予以考虑。The Security Council should take into consideration any procedures for the settlement of the dispute which have already been adopted by the parties.

行帮全面控制景德镇瓷业经济发展的时候,既是景德镇瓷业经济的繁盛时期,也是景德镇传统瓷业经济注定要走向衰落之时。When the trade associations controlled the economic development of Jingdezhen, the porcelain industry was not only at its best, but also at its decline.

因此,程序员可能需要的大部分东西已经以书面的、业经测试的形式存在,能与简单的库调用一起使用,再加上少量的新编写的程序结合在一起。Thus, most of what a programmer is likely to need already exists in written, tested form and can be used with simple library calls glued together with a small amount of new code.

中国信托业经24年发展,经历了扩张、动荡、重组期,信托公司目前仅保留59家。The Chinese trust investment has already developed for 24 years, and has passed the period of expansion, turbulence, reorganization. Only 59 trust investment companies exist at present.

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兹证明下述集装箱定型设计业经批准,凡按此型号制造的集装箱可准其运输海关加封货物。This is to certify that the container design type described below has been approved and that containers manufactured to this type can be accepted for the transport of goods under Customs seal.

“承包人”指标书已被业主接受的某个或某些人、商行或公司,包括其个人代表,继承人和业经认可的受让人。"Contractor"means the person or persons, firm or company whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and includes the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns.

澳门大学横琴校区建设方案业经全国人大常委会审议,最终确定为依照澳门法律管制。The scheme of building Hengqin Campus of Macau University has been approved by the NPC Standing Committee, which stipulates that the area will be administrated in accordance with the law of Macau.