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铁路沿线到处可见新建的工厂和精耕细作的田地。We saw new factories and well-cultivated fields all along the line.

我看中国就是靠精耕细作吃饭。In my opinion, China must depend on intensive cultivation to feed itself.

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潮汕农民以精耕细作闻名,有种田如绣花之说。Chaoshan farmers to intensive famous, such as embroidery farming to speak of.

为了弥补土地不足,他建议精耕细作。To make up for the lack of land, he proposed intensive cultivation of the fields.

在精耕细作,同时也浇灌了人们的心和大脑!Under a high state of cultivation, being manured with the hearts and brains of men!

精耕细作的玉米地和豆角地渐渐地被草地和树木所取代。Well-tended fields of corn and beans gave way to stretches of grassland and forest.

一所摆满家具的小房子,一小片精耕细作的土地和一位心灵美好的妻子是最好的财富。A little house well filled, a little land well tilled, and a little wife well willed are great riches.

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我国大多数地区仍是传统的、精耕细作的小农经营模式。The majority of our region is still traditional, small-scale intensive cultivation of the business model.

第三个浪潮在公元前500年,古典时期新的精耕细作的农业。C. and the third, in about 500 B. C. , with the new intensive agricultural practices of the Classical world.

本港的农业主要采用精耕细作方式,生产优质的新鲜副食品。Local agriculture is directed towards the production of high quality fresh food crops through intensive land use.

在一小块土地上精耕细作数年时间不仅会产生社会效益,而且还能为个人带来可观的收入。years of labor on a ditch, known in Niger as a zai, became not just socially worthwhile but personally profitable.

这个过程并非一帆风顺,但是我们坚持着自己的信念与价值观,保持着超强的耐心精耕细作。This process has not been easy, but we stuck to their beliefs and values, and maintaining a super-intensive patience.

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任何一个旅行者都会赞美说,是精耕细作和不知疲倦的勤劳把广阔天地变得像花园一样。Any traveler might have admired the minute and untiring industry which cultivated such wide areas as if they were gardens.

粮食亩产量的高低是以精耕细作为基础,走集约化经营道路的我国农业生产中的关键问题。Intensive cultivation is the foundation of foodstuff output and the sixty-four-dollar question in agriculture production in our country.

但是从全年看,精耕细作的地块和不精耕细作的地块的二氧化碳排放量没有什么差别。But measured over the course of a year, carbon dioxide emissions were no different from plots with intensive tillage than from plots without it.

江苏属于沿海省份,不仅素有精耕细作的优良传统,而且开创现代农业科技之先。Jiangsu, one of the coastal provinces, is not only known with a fine tradition of precise farming, but to create a modern agricultural technology.

领袖家居网是2012年青蛙营销精耕细作、运筹帷幄、辅助联姻领袖家居联盟全国营销活动的又一壮举。Home network is the leader of the 2012 frog intensive marketing, strategizing, supporting marriage marketing leaders home another National League feat.

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我们的研究表明,有许多区域生活着区域性的社会,它们的居住密度相当大,定居,而且从事半精耕细作的农业。Our work suggests there were many areas with regional societies, that were fairly densely settled, sedentary, and practiced semi-intensive agriculture.

通过适度规模经营、农田基本建设、精耕细作和合理轮作,可以提高农田投能效率。Appropriate-scale-operation, farmland capital construction, intensive cultivation and proper rotation of crops are the ways to improve energy efficiency.

几分种后,我们就轻快地行走在精耕细作、象翡翠一样镶嵌在起伏不平的峭壁间的平原或者也可以叫做湖床的上面了。In a few minutes' time we were stepping out sharply across the great cultivated plain or lake bed, framed like a vast emerald in its setting of frowning cliff.