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看看那个哈巴狗!Look at that slime dog!

这浴缸是给哈巴狗的。The tub is for the pug.

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我想买一条哈巴狗。I’m going to get a bulldog.

看起来像是一只小哈巴狗啊。It looks like a Pekingese puppy.

她的狗看起来肥,但是所有的哈巴狗看起来都那样。Her dog looks fat, but all pugs look like that.

阿纳协会因成为“校长克劳夫的哈巴狗”而受到指责。ANAK was accused of being "the lapdog of President Clough".

哈巴狗却会很多的鬼把戏,深得主人的宠爱。The lap-dog knew many tricks, and was a great favourite with his master.

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这个小小的黑色的哈巴狗与它的翅膀,它的确看起来像蝙蝠。This little black pug with wings on it, and it really did look like a bat.

日本没必要加入亚投行,只要继续做美国的哈巴狗就好了。There is no need for Japan to join AIIB. Just continue to be lapdog of USA.

布莱尔说,他已经习惯了别人嘲笑自己为布什的“哈巴狗”。Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of beingBushspoodle or lapdog.

凡高留下了哈巴狗小狗的完美地点小睡的伸展出一春。Van Gogh left the perfect spot for a pug puppy to stretch out for a spring nap.

布莱尔说,他已经习惯了别人嘲笑自己为布什的“哈巴狗”。Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being Bush's "poodle" or "lapdog.

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政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。Politicians want a lap -dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.

干得好,让那些狗东西——让美国的哈巴狗死去吧!Job well done, let these dog poo ---- let America's lap dog writhe and die in pain!

对跳舞的哈巴狗,舔他的主人的手,搜身约非常高兴,因为可以。The lapdog danced about, licked his master's hand, and frisked about as happy as could be.

另一名网友称她在看到这些照片后自己也忍不住去买了一只哈巴狗。Another viewer said that she had been moved to buy a pug of her own after seeing the photos.

今天女朋友把我甩了,因为她老妈说只要她甩了我就给她买只哈巴狗。Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because her mom said she would buy her a pug if she did.

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每次经过乔亲手为我家的哈巴狗路易搭建的狗屋时,便想起了乔。We think of Jon everyday as we pass the dog house he lovingly built by hand for our pug, Louie.

早知道今天还是要放下身段不如当初就乖乖摆好哈巴狗的姿态。Had I known that I have to do that today, I would pose like a Pekinese before for your pleasure.

我坐在那儿,叫住哈巴狗,不让它往花坛里钻,就连这也让我差一点受不了。Sitting and calling to Pug, and trying to keep him from the flower-beds, was almost too much for me.