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该引桥坡道是双层公路桥。The approach ramp is a double deck roadway structure.

码头引桥受船舶撞击的事故屡有发生。It often happens that the jetty of a wharf is struck by a ship.

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试验求得的结果可作为该钢引桥结构动力计算风振稳定性分析的依据。The conclusions provide basis for stable analysis of wind-induced vibration of the bridge.

引桥陡滑,三轮车车夫必须下车把三轮车推上桥。The extension bridge is steep,so the tricyclist has to get off his tricycle and push it up.

大跨度拱桁式钢引桥是外海开敞式深水码头栈桥常用的上部结构型式之一。Large-span arch truss steel bridge is a common superstructure of trestle bridge on open sea.

主要介绍该引桥跨芜湖岸长江大堤的铁路连续梁的设计。In this paper, the design of railway continuous girders over river dyke on Wuhu bank is dealt with.

大位移伸缩缝是连接主桥与引桥的伸缩装置。The large displacement expansion joint is an expansion device between the main bridge and the approach.

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介绍上海城市外环线同济路立交工程中,对吴淞大桥北引桥改建工程的设计和施工。It is introduced in this paper the design and construction of the renovation project of north access of Wusong Bridge.

简支转预应力连续的施工方法是中、小跨径桥梁和大跨度桥梁的引桥中普遍采用的结构型式。The structure of simply supported-continuous system is now common used in small span bridges and bridge approach of large span.

海湾大桥有通往妈屿岛的引桥,现在往返妈屿岛方便得多了。Bay Bridge to have the mother of Lantau Island bridge approach, is now mother to and from Lantau Island is much more convenient.

汉阳区白沙洲大桥引桥处匝道旁面积为100亩的土地,用地性质为出让,使用年限为50年。Hanyang District Office Baishazhou Bridge Approach ramp next to an area of 100 acres of land, land for sale in nature, life span of 50 years.

介绍了苏通北引桥完全自行式移动模架系统的一般构造及工作原理。The paper introduces the general structure and operational principle of the self-travelling shuttering system for the northern bridge approach.

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实践表明,深层搅拌法加固引桥软基具有较大的社会效益和经济效益。According to the case study, great economic and social significance can be reached to improving the soft clay subgrade using deep mixing method.

山岭重丘区高等级公路跨越深沟峡谷时或特殊的引桥,经常会出现高桥墩与大跨度相结合的情况。High piers can often be observed where high-class roads in heavy mountainous cross deep gorges or in case of the approach for extro-large bridge.

滨州黄河大桥引桥是预应力混凝土连续梁桥,采用C50高性能混凝土。The approach bridges of Binzhou Huanghe River Bridge are of prestressed concrete continuous girder structures used with C50 high performance concrete.

仅通过1,000,000辆车就在系杆拱的横梁中以及引桥的板梁中造成明显的开裂。Only 1,000, 000 vehicle crossings produced significant cracking in the floor beams of the tied arch span and in the plate girders of the approach spans.

介绍江阴长江公路大桥A标工程塔墩、锚碇、引桥工程的施工方案和施工质量。Construction scheme and construction quality of tower, anchor and approach bridge for Bid-A project of Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge are introduced.

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本文首先对桥梁顶升理论和工程监测技术进行研究,然后重点对南浦大桥引桥的顶升过程进行分析。This thesis first introduces the bridge lift-up theory and engineering monitoring technology, and then focuses on the lifting process of Nanpu Bridge Approach.

所述拱桥下方第二机动车道B的两侧引桥座洞分别设置成桥洞道出入口。Bridge opening lane entrance and exit are respectively arranged at approach bridge seat openings at the two sides of the second vehicle lane B below the arch bridge.

试验结果为福州闽江三桥北引桥的设计提供理论依据,也为箱梁理论研究提供实践基础。The experiment provides a basis of the approaching span of Third Minjiang River Bridge design in Fuzhou in particular as well as the theoretic study of box girder in general.