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防暴警察用警棍打聚众闹事者。The riot police batoned the mob.

我不知道你喜欢那种拿警棍的女人。I didn't know you were a baton twirler.

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那位警官手持警棍向聚众闹事者发动攻击。The police officer baton-charged the mob.

暴乱中,警察挥舞着警棍对人群发起冲击。Police in riot gear baton-charged the crowd.

我猜他除了警棍什么都不拿。I imagine he carried nothing but a nightstick.

BRE型橡胶警棍由高弹性橡胶制成。The batons BRE are made of a resilient rubber.

警察拿出警棍,说“好,我可以展示给你看。The cop pulled out his baton. “I can show you.

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型橡胶警棍由高弹性橡胶制成。The batons, BR-M are made of a resilient rubber.

屁股上会挂着我的警棍告诉他吧!You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass!

警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal.

几乎同时,手持警棍的警察抓住了他们。Simultaneously, the baton-toting police charged them.

四周渐成死寂,所有能听到的声音就是那警棍闷声地发出嘭—嘭—嘭的重击。All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton.

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狱警Geary站在Lincoln身后,用警棍抽打他的背。C.O. Geary stands above Lincoln, striking his back with his baton.

警察利用警棍和警盾试图将人群从街道上驱散。Officers with batons and shields attempted to clear them from the road.

你可以把他们想象成挥舞着警棍的咪表女郎或者卫生巡视员。Think of them as thuggish meter maids or health inspectors with batons.

在一些城市,警察用警棍及催泪弹控制愤怒的投资者。In some cities, police used batons and tear gas to control angry investors.

防暴警察迅速从阴影中冲出来,用警棍殴打抗议者。Riot police quickly emerged from the shadows to beat protesters with batons.

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他们一再用警棍殴打我们,并且把我们中的一些人关进监狱。They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison.

你的意思是想让我和盖世太保一样用警棍殴打犹太人。You mean you want me to beat up Jews with my truncheon and catch the Gestapo spirit.

一些警察挥动着警棍和盾牌,但被他们的上级阻止了。Some officers lashed out with batons and shields, but their superiors restrained them.