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真理的巨流乃汇聚错误的百川。The stream of truth, flows through its channels of mistakes.

十年,在历史的巨流不及一粒微。Ten years in the impressive course of history, is just a dust grain.

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基本水平己稳定并且也坚守在巨流点。Basis levels were steady to firm with river points also steady to firm.

维斯瓦河奔腾向前,黄浊阴沉的巨流绕过低平的沙洲。The great Vistula rolled its yellowish, sombre vastness around low sandy islands.

再生巨流描述被降职的男人的纠葛和再生。Wadsworth group described the degraded regeneration of entanglement and renewable.

尼亚加拉瀑布属于重量级——一股巨流全部从悬崖上冲泻下来。Niagara belongs to the heavyweights-where a whole solid river plunges bodily over a cliff.

让未知孵化我不渝的信仰,坚持在浩瀚人生巨流里前航!The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.

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此种政治、经济政策,无论古今均有持相左意见者,在近代更成为一股巨流。Such political, economic policy, regardless of both ancient and modern who hold opposite opinions, in modern times has become a strong current.

当时我拈起这张年代久远的明信片,感觉到我创作的潜意识、身为美国人的自我意识、作为人类一员具有的普遍人性汇成一股巨流。I took up this antique postcard, and my artistic unconscious, my sense of myself as an American, and my larger identity as a human being all powerfully converged.

当我们合唱时,数百个喉咙的音调汇成一股声音的巨流,在夜空中显得特别宏大,真象一场大型礼拜唱出的赞美歌。When we are chorusing , the tones from hundreds of throats join together like a great wave roaming into the night sky. It is almost a hymn sung by a big church meeting.

在中国,象征内陆中国和象征南部沿海中国的两股巨流正在角逐,前者以政治挂帅,后者则以经济挂帅。Within China, two currents of development are contending for the leading role. One stands for the inland north driven by political power, the other, the coastal south propelled by economic growth.

作为话语的集合,狂欢、解构与革命是一条永恒的巨流,在这一过程中,作为时间性范畴的“现代性”与作为历史性范畴的“民族性”是没有任何意义的。As a collection of discourse, carnival, deconstruction and revolution form a perpetual course, in which both "modernity" as a concept of time and "nationalism" as a concept of history are meaningless.