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他们的要求将遭到严词拒绝。Their claims will be fervently denied.

政府高级官员严词否认了利沃夫的上述两个说法。Top officials have strongly rejected both claims.

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情形是这样,严词厉色对这些家伙是起不了作用的,请问您可有妙策来应付他们?Now these guys aren't used to any kind of authority. How would you handle them?

华盛顿,首尔和东京方面严词拒绝了中国关于六方会谈的盛情邀请。Washington, Seoul and Tokyo were correct to spurn China’s call for a six-party meeting.

不过,在众多反对者那歇斯底里的严词批评声中,有些担忧的确合情合理。Yet beneath the hysterical rhetoric of many objectors, there are eminently reasonable concerns.

更何况严词拒绝之后,女主人必定会恼羞成怒,这一点,约瑟不可能没有想过。And it must have occurred to Joseph how fearsome her wrath would be when he spurned her advances.

然而,北京尽管对此举进行了严词指责,但它似乎并不急于让这一特殊的矛盾升级。For all its fulminations, however, China does not seem keen to escalate this particular dispute◄.

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只差没有指天誓日的,外国佬一脸的义正严词。Is being bad didn't daytime Shi day, the righteousness of foreign guy an face just strict phrase.

即便同某人关系很密切,若你严词苛薄的话,仍然有可能陷入麻烦。If you have a close relationship with someone, you can still run into trouble if you are sarcastic.

他致当地议会的信中对他们要改变公共汽车服务的计划进行了长篇的严词谴责。His letter to the local council was a long fulmination against their plans to change the bus services.

但当百事面对能够获得可口可乐商业机密的机会时,该公司义正严词地拒绝了对方,并通知了联邦调查局。But after Pepsi received an offer to learn Coke's secrets, the company said "No way" and called the FBI.

中国分析师们可以指向美国一系列令人印象深刻的“挑衅”以证实自己的严词谴责。Chinese analysts can point to an impressive array of American "provocations" to justify their fulminations.

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中国的分析家能够举出一系列令人难忘的美国“挑衅行为”来证明他们的严词谴责是正当的。Chinese analysts can point to an impressive array of American “provocations” to justify their fulminations.

竹洛还想在劝重暄考虑她的提议,被重暄严词拒绝,两人不欢而散。Zhu Luo also wants to persuade her to consider the proposal by the heavy, heavy Xuan sternly refused, the two part.

正如那位言辞刻薄的合作者安娜.施瓦茨,他会严词谴责近年来对银行业的救助行为。He would, if his sharp-tongued co-author Anna Schwartz is any clue, have condemned the bank bailouts of recent years.

1980年代中期,他弃法从政,在国民大会的电视听证会上严词痛批政府的贪污。In the mid-1980s he abandoned law for politics, fiercely denouncing graft during televised hearings in the National Assembly.

常常用在女人严词拒绝男人的时候,因为有些男人认为女人有时会因为害臊而心口不一,嘴里说不但是心里想要。This is very often said by women who want to seriously refuse a frivolous man who thinks that when women say no, they actually mean yes.

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新上任的新闻部长提乔那˙裘柯拿严词捍卫控管媒体以及禁止外国媒体在辛巴威境内运作的法规。The new minister for information, Tichaona Jokonya, defended the laws governing the media and the prohibitions on foreign media operating in the country.

李彪严词回绝,他以为这是本人施行的锄奸任务,关于一个出卖民族出卖威严的汉奸走卒,本人是没有必要抱歉的。LiBiao sternly reject, he thinks this is my task, execute the anti-espionage about a betray national betray majesty traitors stooges, I was not necessary to apologize.

白宫对泄密事件严词批评,称“怎能将美国人民及盟友的生命置于险境,怎能威胁国家安全”。The White House "strongly" criticised the leaks in a statement, which it said, "could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and threaten our national security".