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“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。That word is a recent coinage.

华国锋在四人帮被捕中的作用至今不甚明瞭。Hua's role in the arrests is unclear.

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“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。Capitalism is a term invented by Karl Marx.

一举把“四人帮”捉拿归案。Catching the " Gang of Four " at one stroke.

“四人帮”是个野心勃勃的政治小集团。"The gang of four" was an ambitious political Clique.

四人帮"利用红卫兵来挑战权威。The "Gang of Four" used Red Guards to challenge authority.

当然,林彪和“四人帮”是不管这些的。Of course, Lin Biao and the "Gang of four" is whether these.

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华国锋及其温和派人士迅速逮捕了四人帮。Hua and his moderate allies quickly arrested the Gang of Four.

“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。The Gang of Four labelled intellectuals the "stinking Number Nine".

他们是导致社会的主要原因。1978年,“四人帮”终于被彻底粉碎,红卫兵也不复存在。They were a key cause of social disorder, but their reign ended in 1978.

“四人帮”,特别是所谓理论家张春桥,歪曲、。But the Gang of Four, and especially their so-called theoretician Zhang Chunqiao.

毛的夫人的“四人帮”将钢琴视为所有西方乐器中最危险的一种。Madame Mao’s ‘Gang of Four’ saw it as the most dangerous of all Western instruments.

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但是华国锋在逮捕“四人帮”中发挥的作用在不久的未来并没有使他免受指责。Yet Hua's role in the arrest of the Gang did not absolve him from criticism for very long.

面对“四人帮”的淫威,张志新同志坚持真理,敢于直言。Face "gang of four" the abusive, Zhang Zhixin, Comrade uphold the truth and dares to speak up.

关于揭批“四人帮”和整顿领导班子的问题。The question of exposing and criticizing the Gang of Four and consolidating the leading bodies.

四人帮被逮捕象征着动荡不安和自我封锁时代的结束。The arrests of the Gang of Four symbolically ended the era of upheaval and self-imposed isolation.

由于受林彪、“四人帮”的干扰,我们国家的发展耽误了十年。Due to the interference of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, China's development was held up for ten years.

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人民的民主权利,在林彪、“四人帮”横行时期遭到践踏。The democratic rights of the people were trampled upon when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were in power.

其思想内涵是粉碎“四人帮”之后的一声春雷,是文学界解放思想的响亮号角。It also was a signal of thought revolution of the literature and art after downing with the "Four Persons".

这场运动经历过辉煌和高潮,也遭遇过林彪和“四人帮”的歪曲与污蔑。It not only experienced its resplendence and climax, but also was distorted by Lin Biao and "Gang of Four".