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他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。They don’t live an elaborate lifestyle.

他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。Mubarak. They don't live an elaborate lifestyle.

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有些印度人沈迷于婚礼的大肆铺张。Some indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza.

是一种像金钱一样可以节省、花用或铺张的东西吗?Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money?

如果你过分铺张,你不会产生火星儿。If your spread yourself too thin, you won't create a spark.

麦琪大力反对铺张,甚至拒绝穿华丽的新婚礼服。Meggie was so against a fuss she even refused to wear bridal regalia.

他独自铺张苍天,步行在海浪之上。Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.

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软膜天花的保养实在很简朴,不会铺张你太多时间。Soft film ceiling maintenance is very simple, do not waste too much of your time.

他铺张穹苍如幔子,展开诸天如可住的帐棚。who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them like a tent to live in.

另外,天主教徒和英国国教徒通过过于铺张的仪式来侍奉他们的宗教。In addition, Catholics and Anglicans based their religious services on lavish ceremonies.

在开始这早期工作的期间,他娶了珊波尔太太。没有什么大铺张。In the midst of this early work he married Mrs. Semple. There was no vast to-do about it.

那些铺张、摆阔的设计一定会很快受到市场的冷落。Those states, ostentatious and extravagant design will soon be cold-shouldered by the market.

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译者成功地用一种朗朗上口的地道英文转达了海氏一贯铺张的写作风格。He succeeded in presenting Heidegger's often turgid style in a readable and idiomatic English.

审判要临到你们,因你们曾是米斯巴的网罗,是他泊山上铺张的网。For to you belongs the judgment for you have been a snare at mizpah and a net spread over tabor.

在本周铺张的热情款待的背后还是达成了一些共识,也存在一些问题。Behind this week's extravagant shows of hospitality lay some real points of convergence, and some problems.

铺张奇异的个人开销,再加上数起栾童诉讼案,也让他付出了巨大代价。Lavish and bizarre personal spending coupled with multiple lawsuits alleging paedophilia took their toll too.

铺张奇异的个人开销,再加上数起栾童诉讼案,也让他付出了巨大代价。Lavish and bizarre personal spending coupled with multiple lawsuits alleging paedophilia took their toll too.

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这部电影还是有一些令人印象深刻的魅力的,而不只是一场铺张华丽的视觉享受。Casts a few impressive spells of its own, not the least of which is the redemption of the visual-effects extravaganza.

在英国,对已经过于铺张的国防预算的缩减计划被推迟到明年大选之后。In Britain, cuts to an already overstretched defence budget are only being postponed until after next year's election.

他认为,这种行为变化标志着从繁荣时期习惯于铺张挥霍到现在节约成为新消费文化的长期性转变。He believes this change in behaviour marks a long-term shift from the spendthrift habits of the boom to a savings culture.