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孩子们喜欢成群结伙相互攻击。Children like to gang each other.

十几岁的男孩喜欢成群结伙地四处闲逛。Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.

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邻居们结伙反对新来者。We visited the new comer without ceremony.

他一直在和这只野兽结伙!He's been consorting with this beast all along!

你们一帮人结伙反对我,这不公平。You've all ganged up against me, it's not fair.

你打算什么时候结伙当强盗?When you going to start the gang and turn robbers?

成群结伙的年轻人昨天在城里横冲直撞。Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday.

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年龄大的孩子经常结伙欺负小孩子。The older children were always ganging up on the little ones.

松鸡们都成群结伙地到洼地去了。The grouses in groups tied the partner to go to the marsh land.

你们这帮家伙应该感到无耻,竟然结伙欺侮一个孤立无援的孩子。You boys should be ashamed of yourselves, ganging up on one helpless child.

例如“我们对工作厌倦了,因此在下班后我们就结伙来到了酒吧,这就是我回家迟到的原因了”。Like, "We got bored working, so we went to the bar after office hours, hence I got late!"

例如“我们对工作厌倦了,因此在下班后我们就结伙来到了酒吧,这就是我回家迟到的原因了”。Like, "We got bored working, so we went to the bar after office hours, hence I got late!".

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狗喜欢成帮结伙,家养的狗被与主人隔离后就会哀伤。Dogs run in packs, and domesticated dogs are grieving when separated from their owners for any length of time.

尽管如此,它们还是出于本能地成群结伙,每条沙丁都以为被吞噬的是另一个可怜的同类。And yet, they still join, instinctually , each one believing that it's some other poor pilchard who'll be devoured.

聪明的少年觉得自己被隔离在其他小孩之外,因而遵循我们在这个物种的模式,只在自己的圈子里结伙。Bright youngsters, feeling shut off from other kids, follow the pattern of our species and cluster among themselves.

它就是一个小社会,人们有时间时会搭帮结伙,或是闲逛、或是钓鱼,也许去打猎,但现在,都是过去时了。It was its own little city, everyone would either hang out, or go fishing, or go hunting with each other. That life is gone.

这帮人几次结伙盗窃,但一旦被警察抓住后则为了保自己而将罪归于他人。The gang worked together on several robberies but when they were caught by the police it was every man for himself and they incriminated each other.

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近来多名男子结伙利用网络聊天室安排在作案时间地点的案件频发,这次的打击就是对此作出的回应。The crackdown came in response to a recent jump in cases involving groups of men who use online chat rooms to arrange where and when to target women.

几个小时以前,几千人成群结伙纵火焚烧了距离总统宫还不到一公路的一家银行,烈火很快向附近的商店蔓延。Several hours ago, thousands of people set fire to a bank less than one kilometer away from the Presidential Palace. The fire quickly spread to nearby stores.

巩义市法院审理后认为,被告人李斌结伙采取强制方法非法剥夺他人人身自由,其行为已构成非法拘禁罪。Gongyi Municipal Court hearing that the defendant Bin gang enforcement approach to illegal deprivation of liberty, his acts constituted the crime of illegal detention.