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其中,尤以各种水榭最具特色。Among them, particularly the most unique variety of waterside.

杭州西湖,水榭歌台,人工赋予它典雅美。West Lake in Hangzhou with enchanting pavilions set in quiet surroundings.

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圆明新园是一座独具特色的主题公园,这里有亭台水榭,有花木扶疏。New Yuanmingyuan is a unique theme park with pavilions, towers, flowers and trees.

湖和水榭都小巧玲珑,这使其看起来显得比实际上要远一些。The small size of both the pond and the building make them look farther away than they really are.

杭州西湖,水榭歌台,报酬赋予它高雅美。The West Lake in Hangzhou City is famous for its aritificial elegance by constructing pavilions and stages.

江南水榭,杨柳岸边,一些记忆的波纹,捻过岁月的轻尘,无声地飘落,在你我的衣襟之上。Jiangnan waterside, willow shore, some memory of the ripple, twist over the years, quietly falling in on you my.

在这我们看到了水榭或是凉亭的屋顶,以及种植着柏树的假山的顶端。Here we see the roofs of the dwellings or the summer houses, and the top of an artificial hill planted with juniper trees.

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这座较小的水榭于1962年建于人工湖畔,约翰逊喜欢带宾客至此地午餐聚会。This small pavilion was constructed next to a man-made pond in 1962. Johnson liked to bring guests here for lunch parties.

另外,凉亭、游廊、水榭亭、假山、人工山洞也夹杂其中。Besides, gazebos, winding corridors, watch side pavilions, rockeries and grottoes are also standing side by side with them.

园内建有森林乐园、植物精品园、中日友好园、法国楼、听涛阁、水榭等景点。Park built forest park, fine garden plant, the Japanese Friendship Garden, the French House, Tingtaoge, pavilions and other attractions.

宾客亦可选择享用水榭餐厅提供的住客早午餐,包括诱人的精选冷盘以及新鲜出炉的面条等。Guests can also opt for Pavilion's resident-style brunch, which includes a tantalizing selection of cold cuts, freshly made noodles and more.

水榭餐厅提供室内和室外两种餐座,其中有两座天台花园,可用于私人聚会,每座可招待宾客数多达40至60名。Pavilion offers both indoor and outdoor seating, including two rooftop terraces that can be booked for private functions for up to 40-60 guests each terrace.

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在西湖,游人们可以坐在岸边古色古香的水榭楼台中极目远眺,也可以走在造型各异的石桥上近看田田莲叶和出淤泥而不染的“花中君子”。By the West Lake, people can have a distant view from the antique waterside pavilions or enjoy the elegant lotus when walking on the stone bridges of different styles.

本文在以往研究的基础上,将豫西陶水榭的类型、年代、产生的地理环境、用途等问题作了进一步的分析研究。Based on the previous research, the article analysised on the type, period and the use of the pottery waterside pavilion, as well as the geographic environment of the production.

倒是凑巧了,莫如就把午宴摆在咱们园子东面那个水榭里,哪里地方敞亮,摆上两桌子倒也不显得挤。Pour is coincidentally, Mo such for put noon Yan at our garden east noodles that water Xie in, where place the Chang is sunny, put two tables to gush don't seem to be to move as well.