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真的?我太感激了。Reall ? I appreciate it.

我对此很感激。I really appreciate this.

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我会非常感激。I'd really appreciate it.

我对你万分感激。I couldn't thank you enough.

版面编排,将不胜感激。Mockups will be appreciated.

鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。The dove felt very grateful.

我们十分感激你的好意。We appreciate your kindness.

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很出色,我很感激。Well done! I appreciated it.

感激你的邀请。Thank you for the allurement.

我非常感激他们。I am extraordinarily grateful.

我非常感激你的帮助。I really appreciate your help.

我们确实很感激。We relly appreciate your help.

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我们非常感激你的帮助。We really appreciate your help.

他对你所做的一切表示感激。He was grateful for all you did.

他内心感激万分。His heart flowed with gratitude.

我对你感激万分。I'm tremendously obliged to you.

告诉他们你很感激。Tell them you appreciate it too.

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他们已经开始在感激它了。They have come to appreciate it.

因为被人感激的感觉真好。Because being thanked feels good.

赏钱,小费出于感激而给的钱,小费。Money given as a gratuity, a tip.