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骨子里有声音告诉我,跟她说话吧。Something was telling me to talk to her.

法国人骨子里是传统主义者。The French are at heart traditionalists.

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但骨子里头有着一种悲伤。But if one reads the first with a kind of sadness.

有人说,微笑是骨子里的人生百味。Some say a smile is the actuality of life Barilla.

但是哈桑的骨子里并没有沙文主义在体内。But Hassan doesn’t have a chauvinist bone in his body.

但是他们认为他骨子里是反对企业的。But they all thought he was, at his core, anti business.

我骨子里就是个多愁善感的女孩,这是唯一的根源。I am a delicate girl in bone, maybe it is the only springhead.

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我总想鲁迅在骨子里其实是一个浪漫主义者。I always want to Lu Xun in the bones is actually a romanticist.

车汉必是渗入骨子里头的种族歧视。He has racial discrimination that has seeped deep into his bones.

男人骨子里全都喜欢美女,但千万别误以为他好色。Men enjoy all the beautiful bones, but do not mistake him lecherous.

纯真是一种骨子里的东西,装出来的只能叫矫揉造作。Pure is in one kind of bone thing, installs only can call affectedly.

女人不管再贤惠有母性,但骨子里都是一个孩子。Whether there is another woman Xian-hui motherhood, but what is a child.

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其实他所创建的“新通用”在骨子里就是换了件外衣的老通用。Rather, it wants to create a "New GM" that stays the course of the old GM.

在他的骨子里有一种桀骜的本性,这让他能够时刻让自己的思考更加敏锐和成熟。With an indomitable nature, he could make his thought more acute and mature.

骨子里逃脱不了那股爱美的天性,竟然不知天高地厚地做起了公主的美梦。Bones can not escape the beauty of nature, even arrogant made Princess dream.

别以为披肩发就好看,其实骨子里还是老土。Do not think shawl made on the good-looking, in fact, bones or old fashioned.

他们嘴里讲缓和,骨子里却进行激烈的争夺。They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.

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伊拉克强横不羁,教派林立,占主导地位的是许多骨子里反美的力量。It's a tough, sectarian system with many deeply anti-American forces in ascendancy.

人们认识我是一个年轻,很像模特的女孩,但骨子里我是个坚强的人。People see a very young, model-like looking girl. When in reality I ama tough person inside.

女人只有一个野心,骨子里总是把爱和生儿育女视为人生最重大的事情。With only one ambition, a woman always regards love and bearing as her life-and-death matters.