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那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。Those captives were physically abused.

又用瘟疫摧残了婚礼丧车。And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse.

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狂风会摧残五月的花蕾。Rough winds do shake the darling buds of Maie.

再坚贞的爱情,还是抵不过现实的摧残。More faithful love, or is still real destruction.

它是如何发展的,它是如何被战争摧残的。and how it's developed, how it got damaged by war.

儿童特别容易受到这些病毒的摧残And children are particularly susceptible to these.

我们一致谴责这种灭绝人性的摧残儿童的罪行。We all condemn such brutal crimes against children.

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阴冷的风摧残着灿烂的正在盛开的花朵。The bleak breeze blights the brightly blooming blossom.

你相信购买苹果摧残你的个性。You believe buying Apple undermines your individuality.

飞絮飞花何处是,层冰积雪摧残。Where is the flying catkins, ice snow layer destruction.

被战争摧残的伊拉克,也有什叶派和逊尼派两派的代表签名。War-torn Iraq was represented by both Shi'ites and Sunnis.

不要摧残华侈辚轹食品与将土豆泥涂在自己的脸上。Don't play around with food or make faces in your potato mash.

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他的无情也许会摧残我的生命,可是永不能毁坏我的爱情。And his unkindness may defeat my life, But never taint my love.

欧洲就饱受宗教战争的摧残。Europe was wracked by religious wars for several hundred years.

教育背离了道德,就会变成摧残人性的社会公害。If education rejects morals, it can also become a social danger.

我们正在密谋破坏我们的成长,开始摧残我们的经济状况。We are sabotaging our growth and falling prey to our circumstances.

女巫们摧残着遥远王国这片土地,连怪物们都惊恐不安。Witches ravage the land of Far Far Away and terrorize even the ogres.

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他曾经光彩夺目的城邦不断受到外国的和国内战争的摧残。His glittering city-state suffered horribly in foreign and civil wars.

职业是对女孩子极度的摧残。Prostitution is a profession that devastates the lives of young women.

洛丹伦将会被黑暗统治,一切生灵将遭到摧残。Lordaeron will be dominated by the darkness and all beings will be ruined.