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我们有布纹的,丝光面的,还有光面的。In the path of the light beam!

我们有布纹的,丝光面的,还有光面的。We have mat, silky and glossy.

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可泵的高度不透明性丝光剂。Pumpable silk luster agent with high opacity.

一般丝光处理后的布料中钡的含量都超过200。Normally BA of mercerized fabric is above 200.

我看见一丝光亮,些许恩泽,稍微绽放的信念。I see a light, little grace, little faith unfurl.

棉织物的丝光整理依然很受欢迎。Mercerization of cotton fabrics is still very popular.

共捕获蝇类16883只,隶属6属7种,其优势种丝光绿蝇占71。These 16883 flies were identified to 6 genera 7 species.

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是在山洞的尽头还能看到一丝光。It is also when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

丝光黄斜纹裤用粗糙的斜纹棉布做的裤子。Trousers made of a coarse, twilled cotton. Often used in the plural.

用于具有丝光光泽效果的香波,泡沫浴和淋浴制品。Shampoos , bubble baths and shower preparations with silk luster effect.

遥远的世界中,王孤独地守护,守护着最后的一丝光。Distant world, king alone in the guardian, The last of the guardian a light.

抽屉门一定要像插头紧紧密合抽屉口,不漏进一丝丝光线或隙缝。The front must fit into the opening like a plug, with no light or gaps visible.

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目的观察丝光绿蝇室内种群的孵化特征。Objective To study the hatching process of the reared population of Lucilia sericata.

整栋楼一片黑暗,只有三楼的某个窗户透出一丝光。The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.

改性后的丝光沸石催化剂可较大幅度提高C_8芳烃收率,而且催化剂的热稳定性提高。Modified catalysts are more stable, and can greatly increase the yield of C_8 aromatics.

这些处理过程有效地调节了丝光沸石的表面酸性和孔结构。These treatments adjust effectively the surface acidity and pore structure of mordenite.

突出的耐碱性能,可用在棉固色后丝光工艺。Outstanding alkali resistance, can be used in post-mercerized cotton solid color process.

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介绍了对棉条进行丝光加工的装置和加工工艺。This paper mainly introduces the processing device and technology of sliver mercerization.

以印染行业前处理为背景,简要介绍了前处理工艺中的丝光流程。Pre-transact techniques of polishing on the background of printing and dyeing is introduced.

实验结果表明,经蛋白酶处理后,氯化丝光羊毛白度和光泽有明显改善。The changes of whiteness and luster before and after protease treatment were also mentioned.