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我退出了所有的夜总会。I pulled an all nighter.

咱们离开这个夜总会吧。Let's split the night club.

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她在一家夜总会跳桌面舞。She table-dances in a night club.

他还掌管着三家夜总会。And he also honchoes 3 nightclubs.

之后,我走出夜总会,钻入一家出租车。I got into the first cab that came.

附近有一家很好的夜总会。There is a very good nightclub nearby.

这就像是夜总会中的保镖。This is like a bouncer in a nightclub.

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一种比较下贱的名声不好的夜总会或舞厅。A disreputable or run-down bar or nightclub.

她在吉亚尼·莫雷蒂的夜总会里工作。She worked in a club owned by Gianni Moretti.

一对夫妻正在巴黎马亥斯的一间夜总会里跳舞。A couple dances at a nightclub in Marais, Paris.

首先,这家夜总会本身就很不堪入目。To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly.

康康舞就是从红磨坊那样的夜总会起源的。That's where the cancan was invented, in the club.

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夜总会已安排了系列精彩文娱表演。The night club has booked an excellent floor show.

他从前经常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。He used to frequent the town's bar and night-clubs.

我们可以去一家很不错的餐馆或者夜总会。We can go to a very nice restaurant or a nightclub.

好春光夜总会就在走廊的尽头。Hao Chun Night Club is right at the end of the hall.

我不清楚吉塔在哪家夜总会工作。I did not know in which nightclub Geeta was working.

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妮拉特·阿吉拉是科洛桑夜总会里很典型的一类人。Nyrat Agira was typical of the Coruscant club scene.

这是该城市的最高档的夜总会之一.This is one of the city's most exclusive nightclubs.

他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。He used to frequent the town 's bars and night-clubs.