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与四邻和睦相处。Live in concord with sb.

噪声闹得整个街坊四邻心烦意乱。The noise upset the entire neighborhood.

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火灾使整个街坊四邻都惊恐起来。The fire alarmed all the neighbors on the street.

今天早上,我想带你看看周围四邻。I want to show you the neighbourhood this morning.

他们总是对四邻存有疑心。They were always very suspicious about their neighbours.

它叫我们茶馆作为街坊四邻的活动中心。It asks us the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.

我们从街坊四邻的闲言碎语中得知他被烧成了灰。Burnt to cinders, we were told by the neighbourhood gossips.

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那噪音搞得四邻不安。No one in the neighbouring flats was unawakened by the noise.

大声放音乐骚扰四邻是破坏社会安宁。Playing music so loudly that it annoys neighbours is antisocial.

我没有抱怨的意思,不过,你搞得四邻都睡不着。I don't mean to complain, but you're keeping all the neighbors up.

乔把街坊四邻的男孩和女孩们集合起来去野餐。Joe gathered the boys and girls of the neighbourhood for a picnic.

马拉奇的家坐落在一条看上去很僻静的街道上,街坊四邻都是中产阶级人士。Malachy's house sat on a seemingly quiet street in a middle class neighborhood.

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家人相见,喜欢万分。四邻闻得喜讯,纷纷前来祝贺。Chang's family was very happy to see Ke Chin, and their neighbours all came to congratulate them.

甚至只知道我是是“班卓的爸爸”的街坊四邻的孩子们,也来表示他们多么难过的心情。Even neighborhood children, who knew me only as "Banjo's Dad", came around to say how sorry they were.

本文提出了一种基于线性四分树表示的二值图象四邻域寻找的快速算法。This paper presents a 4-neighborhood finding algorithm for binary image represented by linear quadtrees.

自然的光线运动和四邻风景一起,使得简约的室内充满生机。Natural lighting shift complements the surrounding scenery to make the minimalistic interior full of vitality.

海龟下几千只蛋都不动声色,母鸡下一只蛋就闹得四邻皆知。The turtle lays thousands of eggs without anyone knowing, but when the hen lays an egg, the whole country is informed.

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四邻公式为环绕球面三角的两边及两角关系式。The four-part formula gives the relation between two angles and the two sides adjacent to them around the spherical triangle.

火势若得不到及时控制,还会殃及四邻,使整幢居民楼遭受火灾危害。If fire cans not gets to control just in time, also Yang and neighbourhood, make the whole dweller's building suffered fire hazard harm.

他与国家有关的大事、他的武功,以及他与以色列和四邻各国所经历的史事,全都记载在这些书上。These records tell how he ruled, how powerful he was, and all the things that happened to him, to Israel, and to the surrounding kingdoms.