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他每天为家计辛苦工作。He toiled every day to support his family.

有家室的警察必须兼差才能维持家计。Policemen with families have to moonlight to make ends meet.

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父亲靠自己的双手勉强维持家计。My father gained a bare livelihood of family by his own hands.

家中还有妻子和三个儿女,我不能全职当学生,要维持家计。I have a wife and three children. I couldn't only be a student.

但他要花900欧元来维持家计,900欧元支付按揭贷款。But he had to pay ?900 in maintenance and ?900 for his mortgage.

除非我和太太两人都工作,否则不太可能足够维持家计。Unless my wife and I both work, we can't possibly make ends meet.

有7至12岁学龄儿童的家计单位消费较多后腿肉。Households having children between the ages of 7 to 12 ate more ham.

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他的父亲体弱多病,而母亲则靠洗衣服维持家计。His father was a sickly man and his mother washed clothing for a living.

有五个小孩在念大学,史蒂夫还是有办法维持家计。With five children in college, Steve still manages to make both ends meet.

18岁的我将要成为负担家计的男人。I was about to become the breadwinner for my family and I was 18 years old.

在他小的时候,父亲一直难以维持固定的工作来负担家计。When he was young, his father had constant problems keeping a job to support the family.

有36至50岁壮年人口的家计单位,较偏好腹胁肉及鸡翅。Households having adults between the ages of 36 to 50 preferred pork bellies and chicken wings.

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家计单位主要采购者的教育程度愈高,排骨及鸡翅的购买愈多。Household shoppers with higher educational levels tended to purchase more ribs and chicken wings.

因此,下一代的希望和生活,负担家计的人,未来的供应者和父母们,是处于危险之中。Thus the hopes and lives of a generation, the breadwinners, providers and parents of the future, are in jeopardy.

海啸受害者卖肾求生?2004年太平洋海啸受灾最严重的印度南部泰米尔纳德州,众多历经灾难的生还妇女被迫卖肾帮补家计。Many surviving women sold their kidneys for livelihood in a southern Indian state of Yamil Nadu, hard hit by the 2004 tsunami.

但是请注意。那些在家庭中成为家庭中主要负担家计的妇女更有可能付出离婚的代价。But beware. Women who become the chief breadwinners in their domestic partnerships are more likely to pay the price with divorce.

我有一个朋友不准备上大学,那是因为她母亲失业了,她要去找一份工作来帮补家计。I have one friend who is putting off college because her mom lost her job, so my friend needs to get a job to help pay the bills.

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若主要采购者为家庭主妇,而其教育程度为国小及以下的家计单位在猪杂方面消费较多。If the shoppers were housewives with educational levels of elementary schools or less, they tended to buy more edible pork offal.

介绍了中国古代造园家计成的生平和造园成就。The life and experiences, versatility and garden creating achievements of JI Cheng, an ancient Chinese garden creator, are introduced.

史上历来许多银行业危机的显著插曲,都是家计单位远比企业厂商背负更多需要摊付的债务。The fact that households, not businesses, have so much debt to unwind is something that marks this episode out from many previous banking crises.