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③哪儿都能见到心猿意马的人。Unfocused person can be seen everywhere.

心猿意马、头脑的习性是四处游荡。It is the nature of the mind to roam about.

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我睡不着,只顾躺着寻思,心猿意马。I lay awake thinking and mind jumping around.

之后夏实总是过的心猿意马,也不去看修二。After the XiaShi always bring, also do not go to see the fix two.

在学习一样东西的时候,切不可心猿意马。Never think of learning another subject while studying one thing.

在一个交集寥寥的治理体系中,上述诸类心猿意马的许诺终于达到高潮。The various promises culminated in a lowest-common-denominator governance regime.

在最初的时候,人们通常以为人的情绪是由“心”释放的,所以有了“伤心”“痛心”“开心”“三心两意”“心猿意马”....People believed for a long time that the heart was the center of a person's emotions.

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巨蟹座往往选择一种口味的巧克力就很少再心猿意马。Cancers often choose one kind of taste in chocolate and rarely then change their minds.

如果你心猿意马,轻轻地把思绪带回到此时此刻,再次关注自己的呼吸。If your mind wanders, simply bring it gently back to the present moment and refocus on your breath.

但是他心猿意马,不能自持,他要问自己,难道主人殷勤接待就是世上最神圣的事物吗?He was now in imminent danger of asking himself if hospitality were the most sacred thing in the world.

夏美以为信介要和本人约会,一整天都七上八下,工作也心猿意马。Summer beautiful thought letter to and I date, dielectric all day, and the work might bring butterflies.

心猿意马的边后卫加布里埃尔。海因策下周将在委员会上与曼联争论。Unsettled full-back Gabriel Heinze will take his dispute with Manchester United to a Premier League arbitration panel next week.

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人们都知道她们正在谈恋爱,当他唱起那支少女热恋水手的歌儿的时候,她总是快活的心猿意马。Peopleknew that they were courting , and , when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor , she always felt pleasantly confused.

餐牌上样样吸引,我们心猿意马,看着牌子良久,最后决定要烟肉芝士牛肉汉堡、忌廉蘑菇烟肉意粉。All items on the menu look attractive, only until some while that our indecisive minds order Bacon Cheese Burger and Linguine Carbonara.

世界杯盛况让这个世界的夏天都停顿了下来,很多人因为看世界杯而在工作时心猿意马。Not just a tournament of nations but a cultural tour de force, the event gave the world a summer break, with some sideline distractions.

中国小家电行业的增长速度远超出整体家电行业的增长,引起了国外资本的心猿意马。The growth speed of Chinese small appliance was exceeding the growth of whole appliance fast, and foreign capitals paid attention on it.

但修二却由于之前醉酒和本人的学生佐伯光发作了关系一事而心事重重,表现的十分心猿意马。But repair 2 but because before drinking and my students assist "light attack relationship juggled so concerned, performance is very change their minds."

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乱花渐欲迷人眼的楼盘展示会、立体平面面面俱到的广告轰炸,看买房的人们心猿意马。Squandering is charming eyes to the real exhibition, three-dimensional, two-dimensional aspect of the advertising bombardment, watching people floating houses.

本赛季并没有符合此种特征的球队,虽然如果黄蜂队突然间因为保罗的心猿意马可能进入这个阵营,而且考虑到休斯顿目前难以捉摸的发展趋势也有可能被归入此类。No current team really has this feel, though the Hornets could qualify if things go horribly wrong with Chris Paul, and Houston could as well given its uncertain foundation.

让投资成为一件简单的事情,就是离那些让投资者心猿意马的大肆的投资宣传远点,离聚会上或饮水机旁那些鼓吹自己投资大赚的家伙远点,就是你多得的收益。Part of keeping it simple is staying away from investment hype that distracts investors, and staying away from “that guy” at a party or at the water cooler is an added benefit.