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五星级的水准。Five star awesomeness.

泰妈作为导演水准如何?How was Tyra as a director?

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上学的时候我连初级水准都没达到。At school I failed the O-Level.

我该怎样才能提高口语水准?How can I improve my spoken English?

你们会发现我们的工作水准是一流的。He did a bang-up job in this project.

你们会发现我们的工作水准是一流的。You'll find that we do a bang-up job.

他表现的远低于他的水准。He just played so far below his level.

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我准备的这条马鞭够水准吧?Is this whip I prepared up to standard?

目标不仅仅是更高的生活水准。It is not only the better living standard.

难道我们的翻译水准还不够格吗?Aren't our translation standards good enough?

冷却液位应位于内心水准之上。Coolant level should be above the inner core.

提拨金可随员工的薪资水准…Contributions can depend on your salary level.

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在标普500指数突破1,130点前,没有什麽兴奋点.这是我们尽力要突破的水准.Nothing is exciting until 1,130 on the S&P 500.

在曼城,各个小细节都是高水准的。At City, this is the high level on every aspect.

萨姆的修车水准真是一流。这车跑起来真棒!Sam did a bang-up job on the car. It runs great!

我们就古典音乐来了一次高水准的讨论。We had a highbrow discussion on classical music.

难得有一个够水准的贴图区,一定会遵守发言规定。I have got the information and obey it definitely.

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让我们加入联合王国,以提高我们的生活水准吧!Let's improve our quality of life by joining them.

广告上说这个饭店达到了五星级的水准。The advertising of the hotel is of 5-star quality.

瓦拉内还很年轻,但是水准已经很高。Varane is very young and he played at a high level.