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而南部和西部是塔斯曼海。Sea to the south and west.

他将自由的转移到英国南部的军港城市。He moves to Pompey on a free.

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其南部与意大利接壤。It neighbours Italy in the south.

主要分布在奈及利亚南部与加彭。Mainly in south Nigeria and Gabon.

到了法国南部的阿维尼翁。To Avignon in the south of France.

普罗旺斯位于法国南部。Provence is in the south of France.

沉船岛南部海面的曼尼。Shipwreck off South Manitou Island.

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巴基斯坦南部未能幸免The south of Pakistan wasn't spared.

我们的学校在抚松南部。Our school is at the south of Fusong.

兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。A city of southern Sweden north of Malm?

它位于意大利那波勒斯南部13英里的地方。It is 13 miles south of Naples in Italy.

而南部和西部是塔斯曼海。And the Tasman Sea to the south and west.

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布赖顿是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a leading south coast resort.

他于1944年被派到法国南部。He was sent into southern France in 1944.

我最早居住在伦敦南部的温布尔登。I started out in South London, Wimbledon.

这些都只在美国南部被发现。These were only be found in South America.

恩德比乌干达南部城市,位于维多利亚湖畔。A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria.

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而土耳其的南部偏远地区却是一片蛮荒之地。But farther south Turkey is on virgin turf.

广东、西、南南部和云南东南部。Guangdong, S Hunnan, Guangxi and SE Yunnan.

非洲南部的一种开白色钟形花的草本植物。Shaped like a bell, as certain flowers are.