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栅极电路发生故障。The grid circuit is out of order.

那么屏栅极电阻呢?What about screen grid resistors?

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然后,如果屏级同样跟随栅极又会怎么样呢?Well, what if the plate also followed the grid?

栅极绝缘层可以是高K的材料。The gate insulating layer may be a high-K material.

不同的栅极电压下的温度漂移也不相同。Temperature drift with different grid voltage is different, too.

浮动栅极定位于源极区与漏极区之间。The floating gate is positioned between the source and drain regions.

功率放大器的栅极偏置电压控制一直是功放设计者需要考虑的问题。How to control the Vgs of the PA is a problem in front of the PA designers.

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栅极电极在栅极绝缘膜上形成,并具有侧壁。The gate electrode is formed on the gate insulating film and has a sidewall.

另外还有一个“第三”绕组安置在一组推挽五极管的廉栅极之间。In addition a third winding is placed between the screen grids of the pentodes.

面对所述沟槽栅极的所述部分使所述顶区和所述深区隔离。The portion facing the trench gate isolates the top region and the deep region.

在半导体中的源极区和漏极区可以限定晶体管栅极长度。Source and drain regions in the semiconductor may define a transistor gate length.

你可以把栅极切成两半,而每部分仍然能够拍出同样的照片。You could cut the grid into two pieces and they would still take the same picture.

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这是将纳米粒子修饰在离子敏场效应管栅极的首例报道。This is the first report on the modification of ISFET biosensor with nanoparticles.

在高压MOSFET的结构中,利用栅极向漏极延伸而构成场板。Field plate is formed by poly-silicon extending to the Drain in high voltage MOSFET.

多数的光耦在用于同步MOSFET栅极驱动隔离时都太慢。Most optocouplers are too slow to use for the synchronous MOSFET gate drive isolation.

能源公用设备的普及加速了寻找一种可以使栅极稳定下来的电池的脚步。Energy utilities are increasingly looking for batteries that can help stabilize the grid.

电力VITM一代的栅极电荷,高电压N沟道增强型功率MOSFET。Power VITM generation gate charge, high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs.

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采用本发明的方法可大幅提高栅极氧化层的均匀性。The method of the present invention can greatly increase evenness of the grid oxide layer.

电光聚合物材料通常采用带栅极的电晕极化技术进行处理。The electro-optic polymer material is usually poled by corona poling technique with a grid.

其次,我们制备了具有条状栅极和网状栅极的SIT-OLET。Secondly, we fabricated two SIT-OLETs with a strip-shape and a mesh-shape gate, respectively.