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我知道我嘴硬。I know i'm quarrelsome.

这样,所有的银行都嘴硬?So, do all banks have moats?

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某人真是嘴硬,“谁说我累了?Someone said "Who said I'm tired?"

戴亚亚嘴硬,说自己住这挺好的。Dai Yaya mouth shut, said he lived this quite good.

现在你知道我的厉害了吧!以后最好给我小心点,看看在跟谁嘴硬。Now that'll learn you. Better look out who you're fooling with next time.

唐力虽然嘴硬但他知道这份合约对他的重要。Although Tang Li mouth shut to him but he knew that this contract is important.

那个男孩嘴硬。一生都不会承认他错了。The thief has never said uncle even though there is a witness to recognize him.

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东方不败嘴硬的说是为了仪琳不想让他死。The east doesnt hurt to be so stubborn, in order to gauge elim dont want to let him die.

朵索向他解释,所有的好她都记在心里,阿萨内嘴硬说不懂。Flower explained to him, all she had in mind, mouth shut inside a thar said dont understand.

除非偷情不可能被发现,或你有很正当的理由可以让自己嘴硬。However, if it's unlikely to be discovered, there are also valid reasons for keeping your mouth shut.

除非偷情不可能被发现,或你有很正当的理由可以让自己嘴硬。However, if it’s unlikely to be discovered, there are also valid reasons for keeping your mouth shut.

在友情的世界里,我们都是渴望被在乎被原谅被了解的那个嘴硬心软的小孩子。In a world of friendship, we are all eager to be care about the mouth shut softhearted forgive known children.

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虽然这头的章子怡,依旧死鸭子嘴硬的表示,两人还是好的很。但另一头的维维,却已经开始跟其他女性出双入对了!Though on her end Zhang continues to insist stubbornly that she and Nevo are still fine, Nevo has already been seen going out with other women!

刘语听完后,气得连扇王俊好几个巴掌,又强装嘴硬地说,是她不要他,从此他们两不相干。So angry after listening, liu fan wang junwork several slap, pretending to be mouth hardly say again, is she not he, from then on they two irrelevant.