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申请就行。Just apply.

我该如何去申请?How do I apply?

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请用黑笔填写申请表格。Please use black ink.

嗨,我要是知道该怎麽申请就好了。Hah! I wish I knew how.

有些人飞回家重新申请。Some fly home to reapply.

我可以去申请信用证。I can also arrange an LOC.

我们鼓励您申请。We encourage you to apply.

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如题,肯为人民服务的可以申请斑竹!Can I be the mottled bamboo?

她的申请被驳回了。The application of a douche.

你提出学位申请了吗?Have you supplicated already?

他的申请被批准了。His application was approved.

申请加入翻译公司。Apply to translation agencies.

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我也想申请勋章,那个终身成就勋章。I am a bit-ch when I wanna be.

你申请到哈佛大学?少来!You got into Harvard? Get out!

我可以申请一个语音信箱吗?Can I apply for a V-mail here ?

我的申请你给交上去了吗?Did you send up my application?

要不,咱申请清华?Or should we aim for Tsinghua?!

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罗依于1999年申请离婚。Rowe filed for divorce in 1999.

想要申请幻雅俱乐部会籍?Want a membership of AE&M Club?

当申请时应填的表。Form to be filles in when apply.