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有机染料的颜色非常丰富。Organic dye-stuffs contain very rich and varied colours.

研究探明了有机染料的荧光发射波长的位移机制。The shift mechanisms of emission bands of organic dyes were investigated.

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本发明涉及双电子受体有机染料及其应用。The invention relates to a double electron acceptor organic dye and application thereof.

所述的双电子受体有机染料用于制备染料敏化太阳电池。The double electron acceptor organic dye is used for preparing a dye sensitized solar cell.

一种新型米氏酮-氰基类有机染料及其合成方法。The invention provides a novel Michler ketone-cyan organic dye and a synthetic method thereof.

本文叙述了一种新的有机染料污水处埋方法——膜电动过滤法。This paper presents a new method, membrane electro-kinetic filtration. to treatment of dye polluting water.

第二章是关于多孔硅镶嵌有机染料复合膜的光学特性研究。The second chapter was about the study on photoluminescence properties of porous silicon embedded organic dye.

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对测定蛋白质的反应体系中有机染料作用的基本原理作了简要论述。The basic principle of the role of organic dyes played in the reaction system of protein was expounded briefly.

主要组分是稀有金属或半导体纳米晶体和有机染料高分子或共轭高分子材料。Nobel metal and semiconductor nanocrystals will be used. Organic dyes and conjugated polymers will be synthesized.

有机染料具有宽荧光光谱使人们想到,若用它们作为激光介质,则激光器就会有宽的调谱范围。The broad fluorescence spectrum of the organic dyes suggests a broad tunability range for lasers using them as the active material.

将所得样品作为催化剂,以有机染料次甲基兰为模型,进行了光催化降解实验研究。The results shown that the product of hydrothermal synthesis for methylene blue dye has better photocatalytic degradation activity2.

结果表明,网络状纳米氧化锌对弱碱性有机染料溶液的降解效果较好。It was found that the catalytic character of nano ZnO was the best in the conditions of irradiation of sunshine and alkaline solutions.

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合成吸收光谱明显红移的有机染料光敏剂,是目前DSSC研究的迫切任务。The synthesis of organic dye photosensitizer with significant red-shift adsorption spectra is the urgent task of current research on DSSC.

本文描述了闪光灯泵浦的若丹明6G有机染料激光器的PTM模式运转的理论分析和实验研究。This paper describes the theoretical analysis and experimental investigation of PTM mode operation of the flash-lamp pumped R-6G dye laser.

偶氮染料是印染工业中应用的最多的合成有机染料之一,因而也是常见的工业污染物。Azo dyes are the most important class of synthetic organic dyes used in the textile industry and are therefore common industrial pollutants.

所述的双电子受体有机染料制备的染料敏化太阳能电池,经测试获得了6.5%左右的电池效率。Tests prove that the dye sensitized solar cell prepared from the double electron acceptor organic dye has the efficiency of about 6.5 percent.

研究了有机染料活性艳红K-2G的电化学行为,建立了它的电化学分析方法。Electrochemical behavior of Reactive Brilliant Red K2G was studied and a polarographic method for the determination of the dye was established.

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目前开发的重点是具有高记录灵敏度、高稳定性和高信噪比的有机染料。The development of organic colorants is focused at present on those with high recording sensitivity, high stability and high signal to noise ratio.

本文对有机染料分光光度法分析检测蛋白质的研究进展进行了综述。This paper reviews the research progress of the protein determination through the method of the spectrophotometric analysis by means of organic dyes.

本文研究了近共振吸收增强的有机染料溶液中简并的四波混频作用和位相复共轭特性。In this paper the principles, prospects and potential applications of phase conjugate optics, in particular degenerate four-wave mixing, are reviewed.