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低血糖症有时是显著的临床表现。Hypoglycemia is sometimes a prominent clinical manifestation.

严重持续低血糖症,如不及时纠正会造成全身组织器官损伤。The severe low blood sugar can injure all tissues and organs if not timely corrected.

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当身体开始体验低血糖症发布肾上腺素,也被称为肾上腺素。When the body begins to experience hypoglycemia it releases epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.

方法对58例糖尿病并发低血糖症的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Method Retrospective analysis of the hypoglycemia complicated with diabetes in 58 patients were performed.

方法对35例老年DM患者的低血糖症进行回顾性分析。Methods Clinical data of 35 DM patients complicated with hypoglycemia syndrome in the aged were retrospectively analyzed.

婴幼儿持续高胰岛素血症性低血糖症是婴幼儿持续性低血糖症最常见病因之一。Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infants is one of the most common causes of persistent hypoglycemia in infants.

在强化胰岛素治疗组,17%的患者出现了严重低血糖症而标准胰岛素治疗组仅4%出现。In the intensive insulin group, 17 percent had severe hypoglycemia compared to just 4 percent of those on standard insulin therapy.

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这种诱因可能是癫痫症、低血糖症或者象托马斯案件中的这种睡眠障碍。Meaning you have a condition that can lead toautomaticbehaviour, be that epilepsy, hypoglycaemia or – as in Thomas'scase – asleep disorder.

近年来,婴幼儿持续高胰岛素血症性低血糖症的分子发病机制研究有了显著的进展。The knowledge of molecular defects leading to persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infants has been rapidly growing in recent years.

此外,糖尿病病人合理使用降糖药物、定期监测血精是预防低血糖症的关键。In addition, diabetic patients should take hypoglycemic agent adequately. Regular monitoring of blood sugar level is key to the prevention of hypoglycemia.

治疗低血糖症时,不但要纠正低血糖状态,还应兼顾保护脑、心、肾等器官的功能,对已明确的各器官已有损伤的应采取相应的治疗措施。When treating it, we shall not only correct low blood sugar state, but also protect the function of brain, heart and kidney, etc, take corresponding measures to the defined injured organs as well.