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有一块岩石悬垂在绝壁之上。A rock overhangs out of the cliff.

有玫瑰花悬垂其上的花园围墙。The walls of the garden overhung with roses.

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小型或丛生性的悬垂或多芽的标准型。Small or bushy trailer or multi- crowned standard.

交错盘杂的根从你枝身上悬垂下来With tangled roots hanging down from your branches

该产品手感丰满、弹性足、悬垂性好。The fabric is good at handle, elasticity and pendency.

他正试图拿到那个织巢鸟的悬垂的巢。He is trying to reach the pendulous nests of the weaver-birds.

表面张力之量测乃使用固著液滴和悬垂液滴两种方法。The methods used are the sessile and pendant drop tensiometry.

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下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉。A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.

叶子有时候很厚。多个顶芽的标准型或丛生的悬垂型。Leaves sometimes thick. Multi-crowned standard or Bushy trailer.

我们从一个300英尺的峭壁的一面悬垂下来。非常刺激。We rappelled down the side of a 300-foot cliff. It's very exciting.

以梁单元为模型,运用有限元法研究织物的悬垂性问题。The cloth draping property is studied by using finite element method.

风格与豪华优雅的悬垂性温暖纯羊毛球衣。Styled in pure wool jersey for luxurious warmth with an elegant drape.

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黑色梯形是在剪彩悬垂和服务丝带的顶部。A black trapezium is at the top of the ribbon drape and service ribbon.

源起于细长园柱或悬垂装饰的扇形拱顶,变得普及。Fan vaults, springing from slender columns or pendants, became popular.

“手臂悬垂抖动”是比较广泛使用的缓和充血征状的方法。The “dangling arm shakeout” is the technique universally used to foster pump recovery.

美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂。Black tropical american bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle.

提出织物的二维悬垂曲线可用3-4次多项式曲线拟合。The fabric drape curves in two dimensions can be fitted to the 3-4 times polynomial curves.

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单纤比粘胶纤维更细,性能近似于丝绸,极具悬垂性。Single fiber is thinner than viscose, and fabrics has excellent drapability like silk items.

蠕虫形状的阑尾悬垂于大肠和小肠之间,是有著盲端的湿滑囊腔。The vermiform appendix is a slimy dead-end sac that hangs between the small and large intestines.

运动衫是炎炎夏日理想的衣物布料,也是合适悬垂的完美搭配。Jersey is an ideal fabric for the warm, summer days and is perfect with the right kind of draping.