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上帝为亚当注入生命God breathes into Adam.

这些是自动注入式的笔吗?Are these self-filling pens?

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将爱注入到每一道饭菜中。You put love into every meal.

这湖的水是由两条河注入的。The lake is fed by two rivers.

想到快乐,注入内心。Think about it. Internalize it.

这条小河注入到大海里。This creek mouths into the sea.

人体被注入了有神性的灵魂。It's infused with divine spirit.

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花给你的房间注入气力。Flower Power your room. Ambi Pur.

河系最终注入大海。River systems empty into the sea.

向WPA数据包注入成为可能WPA packet injection now possible

她把油一点点地注入混合物中。She trickles oil into the mixture.

已经注入墨水瓶。Has been infused into an ink bottle.

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球队被注入一种永不言败的精神。A team with a never say die attitude.

注入口应尽可能的短。Sprues should be as short as possible.

所有大脑内静脉均注入大脑大静脉。All CIV drain into great cerebral vein.

将温暖和能量注入我的心房。Warmness and energy goes into my heart.

握住肛管直至液体全部注入。D. Hold tubing until fluid is instilled.

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该俱乐部需要注入新思想。The club needs injecting with new ideas.

我们为美国文学注入新的活力。We infuse its literature with new energy.

她将水慢慢注入容器里。She trickled the water into the container.