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那条可怕的黑纱幔!The dreadful black veil!

人们配带黑纱以哀悼他。People wore crapes to mourn him.

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马吕斯在帽子上缠了一条黑纱,仅如此而已。Marius wore crape on his hat. That was all.

那个体态优美的女孩子靠卖黑纱为生。The girl with shapely body scraped a living by selling crapes.

每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵白纸菊花。Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.

正版种植黑纱外底提供持久耐用。Genuine plantation crepe outsole delivers long-lasting durability.

那时天已经蒙蒙的涂上了黑纱,是一种诱惑,也是一种真实。It was already a painted black, is a temptation, is also a kind of true.

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现在,这条黑纱裙跟在我身后,如同我生命中一个沉重的影子。In this moment, that black dress followed me, as a deep shadow in my life.

她颤者着双手转了一下帽子,然后用黑纱裹住自己。Her hands shook as she pinned on her hat and covered herself with her black veil.

第二天,马德兰先生穿了一身全黑的衣服,帽子上戴了黑纱。On the following day, M. Madeleine appeared clad wholly in black, and with crape on his hat.

她的头顶带着一定黑色的斗笠,垂下的黑纱将她的脸全数盖住。Her top of brain takes the rain hat in decisive dark, pendency of the crape cover up her face absolute sum.

在过去的15年历,在黑纱之后,伊朗的生育率从平均每位女性5.5个小孩直降至不到每位女性2个小孩。In the past 15 years, behind the veil, Iranian fertility rates have crashed from 5.5 per woman to less than 2.

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转瞬即逝的金发人,头蒙黑纱!宛若梦的画像,镶在疾逝的火车窗格里。Fleeting blond head, veiled in black! It was like the portrait of a dream in the fugitive frame of the train window.

荷甲足协一般只允许全队一起佩戴黑纱而不允许个人行为,但是宫市亮获得了特许。Dutch FA regulations state that black armbands can only be worn by all of the players in a team but Ryo got his wish.

“但愿没有人去世了,”我瞥了一下他黑色的丧服说。他也低头瞧了一下围在帽上的黑纱,并回答道。I hope no one is dead, I said, glancing at his black dress. He too looked down at the crape round his hat and replied.

真的吗?多有意思啊!哦!我说什么也不告诉你那黑纱幔后面罩着什么!难道你不急于想知道吗?Are you, indeed? How delightful! Oh! I would not tell you what is behind the black veil for the world! Are not you wild to know?

教堂有很多细节被处理成黑色,像是祷告者胳膊上的黑纱,隐含着他们对死者的悲恸和哀悼。Throughout the building there are inserts of black detailing, like the armband that signifies mourning and the sadness of visitors.

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那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy, surrounded by candelabra decked with crape.

两个营,鼓上蒙着黑纱,倒背着枪,一万国民自卫军,腰上挂着刀,国民自卫军的炮队伴随着棺材。Two battalions,with draped drums and reversed arms, ten thousand National Guards, with their swords at their sides, escorted the coffin.

到了十一点钟,身穿黑纱的高个、单薄的女人进到大厅,宣布守灵的人到了,要求他们“去餐厅”。At eleven o'clock the tall, flat woman in black crepe entered, announced that the watchers were arriving, and asked them "to step into the dining room."