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1959年每日邮报理想家园展览的海报Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Poster

老大只有纽约邮报一块小地盘。Lachlan had little turf to call his own but the Post.

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但它也显露了每日邮报和CMI研究小组的沮丧情绪。But it shares the Mail's, and the CMI research team's, dismay.

华盛顿邮报官方解释他的死因是糖尿病并发症。Post officials said Broder died of complications from diabetes.

但是,戈德斯通没有在他发表于华盛顿邮报上的文章中收回这一指控。And Goldstone did not retract that charge in his newspaper article.

赫芬顿邮报通过翻译证实了这确是哈灵顿所说的话。The Huffington Post confirmed Harington's quotes through translation.

赫岑在接受赫芬顿邮报采访时说道,“这不但有损海豚的健康,而且污染了社会行为环境。”It puts the dolphins own health and social behavioral settings at risk.

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棕榈滩邮报报导,挂在这尊1.2米高雕像的是一张便条纸。Hanging from the1.2 meter statue was a note, reported the Palm Beach Post.

Missouri向华盛顿邮报建议,Nalley可能受到制裁。Missouri suggested to The Washington Post that Nalley might be sanctioned.

据华盛顿邮报报道,一位内阁级官员也涉及其中。That includes one Cabinet-level official, according to the Washington Post.

这一宣告刊登在政府控制的报纸星期日邮报上。The announcement was carried in the State controlled newspaper Sunday Mail.

当被问及巴洛特利即将发生的离去时,这位前利物浦主帅队对邮报这样说道,“我担心在数年内被人记作是那个让巴洛特利离开的教练吗?Do I fear being remembered in a few years as the coach who let Balotelli go?

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或者是让卫报的读者和每日邮报的读者在一起约会?How about Guardian readers hooking up with subscribers to Daily Mail dating?

每日邮报认为孔切斯基想要以租借形式加盟朴茨茅斯一个赛季。The Daily Mail says Konchesky wants to join Portsmouth on a season-long loan.

赫芬顿邮报的读者们你们好们,你们不用在远离这里的地方感到紧张。Hey Huffpost readers, you guys dont need to get nervous sitting far from here.

或许是吧,但是支持暴政,不管左翼还是右翼,一直都是每日邮报的德性。Maybe, but support for tyrannies, right cleft, runs deep in the Daily Heil's veins.

华盛顿邮报艺术评论家布莱克Gopnik也批评美国史密森研究院的决定。Washington Post art critic Blake Gopnik also criticized the Smithsonian's decision.

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为什么每日邮报提示要求它的读者对此感到愤怒?Why should this prompt the Mail to demand that its executive readers feel outraged?

卡里布洛克,绿色燃料技术公司总裁。华盛顿邮报。Cary Bullock, chief executive of GreenFuel Technologies Corp. in The Washington Post

她的丈夫菲尔·格拉罕曾是一位很出色的年轻律师,他1945年接管了华盛顿邮报。Her husband, Phil Graham, was a bright young lawyer who took over at the Post in 1945.