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她竭力遏制自己,不打哆嗦。She forced herself not to shudder.

只有我试着遏制这战火?。Am Ithe one to try to stop the fire?

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他们遏制了那些伊斯兰铁骑兵。They restrain the armies of horsemen.

建议采取有利措施遏制氯胺酮滥用。We advise that steps be taken at once.

霍乱的爆发已被遏制住。The cholera outbreak has been contained.

皮带驱动铣头得到安静的遏制。Belt drived mill head get quiet opration.

但是,非国家行为者则难以遏制。But non-state actors are harder to deter.

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日本和韩国结合起来遏制中国。A Japan-South Korea tandem to deter China.

这有助于遏制市场慌乱的一面。That helps handle the fear side of markets.

欢愉,遏制了,雨滴,在你回身今后后落下。Happy, , stop, rain, you turn and later in fall.

而在另一边,约翰逊同样很好的遏制了博辛瓦。On the other side, Johnson did it with Bosingwa.

我们必须遏制这类武器的扩散和使用。We must curb the spread and use of these weapons.

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强制银行流动性过多,将会遏制银行信贷。Forcing too much liquidity on banks stifles credit.

它真的能够遏制超载吗?Is it true can is keep within limits overweighted ?

运用平实、简单的语言就能遏制流言的产生。Put a lid on rumors by using plain, simple language.

中国政府面临的挑战在于遏制此类资金流入。Beijing's challenge lies in staunching these inflows.

假如溪水可以逗留。那我才气遏制对你的忖量。If streams can stay. Then I can stop missing for you.

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它呈现在一个18英寸的纯银遏制链。It presents on an 18-inch sterling silver curb chain.

这就遏制了金融部门的发展。This stifles the development of the financial sector.

是到了遏制那些极少数自私分子的贪欲的时候了。It is time we tamed the greed of the selfish minority.