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骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

美智子与何记者比武,双双死去。Michiko jousting with any reporter, both die.

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别动!别动!我要去看真龙大侠的比武!Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the dragon warrior.

他讲了一个关于骑士和比武的幻想故事。He told a fantastic tale of knights and jousting.

比武竞赛在春季的第一天举行,至今仍是阿富汗举国热爱的赛事。Buzkashi was, and still is, Afghanistan's national passion.

越南人有几个在的?比武场比武啊?。There are several in the Vietnamese? Contest site contest ah?

用来围住中世纪马上比武大赛赛场的木栏或栅栏。The palisades or fences enclosing the lists of a medieval tournament.

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比武中吴冠志使用八极拳让对手3招还轻松获胜。Jousting Wu Guanzhi use octupole punch to 3 recruit also an easy victory.

比武时他用一个扫堂腿把我踢倒在地。In the wushu competition, he kicked me down to the ground with a leg-sweep.

方证见好话说尽便提出要和任我行比武三局二胜。Party card see a set of he offered to and let me play three games two wins.

比武审判曾是她唯一的希望,而那样她就需要一名战士。Her only hope was trial by battle, and for that she must needs have a champion.

比武场的门终于开了,五位骑士缓缓进入场内。At length the barriers were opened and five knights advanced slowly into the area.

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她无疑急于想要举行一场小规模的马上比武。She would no doubt have been anxious for something small in the way of a tournament.

而比武大赛只是韩先生用以招兵买马的手段,为他的毒品买卖服务。The competition is merely for Han's recruitment of to serve his international drug race.

它冻结多少现金你有以便它经由马上比武和边-游戏只将会上升。It freezes how much cash you have so that it will only go up via tourneys and side-games.

老叫化,你今日跟我是比武决胜呢,还是性命相拚?Laojiaohua, today you told me is winning the contest, or the normalization of life phase?

那时,披着不同颜色衣饰的骑士们,骑着马参加比武和其他赛事。At the time, horses competed in jousts and other contests under the colors of different knights.

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当我在青年教师基本功比武中获市一等奖时,我知道我成功了。When I was young teachers' basic skills won the first prize in the tournament, I knew I had won.

对方的武士全副甲胄并骑上马,等待比武大会开始的信号。The opposing knights, mounted and in full panoply, awaited the signal for the tournament to begin.

事实是,可能没有人比武贾西奇更平凡普通。The honest truth is that there may not be a player more relatable to the common man than Sasha Vujacic.