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我舞故我在。I dance, therefore I am.

我思故我在"I think, therefore I am."

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我毁,故我灭。我灭,故我不毁。I destroy, therefore I am not.

笛卡尔,“我思故我在”Descartes, “I think, therefore I am.”

笛卡尔说,我思,故我在。Descartes said, I thought, so I exist.

你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅。You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.

这么看起来“我思故我在”还真是非常特别。So it looks like the cogito is really special.

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故我要高举起主让世人看见。So lift it high in the sky let the whole world know.

故我刚性的去刻意淡忘那些多雨的春天。So I deliberately rigid to forget those rainy spring.

故我面临的遭遇,不论大小的难处。So as I face tomorrow with its problems large and small.

彼得,天气预报说了些什么?由于浴室的水在流,故我听不清。Peter, what did it say? I couldn't hear with the water running in the bathroom.

这是一次生命豪赌,但我的生命正处于消失状态之中,故我没有什么可以输的。It was a huge gamble, but with my life ebbing away I didn't have anything to lose.

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以下是来自弟子本净的良好领悟,故我传与大家分享。Good comprehension from disciple Ben Jing below, so I share it with all on my list.

特克提到在“当今一代”中普遍存在“我分享,故我在”的思想。Turkle mentioned the popular idea of "I share, therefore I am" among this generation.

由于经济上我还不能资助自己的学业,故我真诚地希望能获得助教资格。As I am unable to finance my own education, I earnestly hope to obtain an assistantship.

由于目前的工作缺乏发展机会,故我打算离开。The reason fro leaving my present employment is that I see no chances for further advancement.

笛卡尔由此得出“我思故我在”是人类知识确定的、可靠的基石。By such reasoning Descartes isled to the cogito as the one certain, infallible rock of knowledge.

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有时有胜于无,存在胜于消失,我存在,故我快乐。Sometimes there are better than nothing, there is better than disappear, I exist, therefore I am happy.

“我思故我在”,拉丁文叫做“cogito,ergo,sum”,I,think,,therefore,I,am,,‘,在过去对于任何哲学作品来说这句的引用都非常著名。cogito ergo sum' in Latin, very famous one of pats one of his famous quotations in any philosophical works.

这样的架构能够成立,只有当着是思想这个「我思想」,换句话说,我跟大它者争论这个「我思故我在」。This framework is only valid in so far as Think the I think, namely, that I argue the cogito with the Other.