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不绝于耳的警告最终使你对它们置之不理。You become overloaded with warnings and eventually just tune them out.

在过去的几年里,周围施工的噪音几乎总是不绝于耳。For the last few years we have heard almost constant construction noise around us.

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自房市开始崩溃以来,对格林斯潘功过的评述一直不绝于耳。Ever since housing began to collapse, Mr. Greenspan’s record has been up for revision.

一个更加直接的担忧是,经济衰退背景下各方争夺利益之音不绝于耳。A more immediate worry is the cacophony of competing interests exposed by the downturn.

万人空巷,叫好声不绝于耳,利物浦球迷给予香克利和他的队员无比的支持!The supporters were all cheering and showing their support for Shankly and his players.

听说共狗伤亡惨重,到处被仇家追杀消息不绝于耳…Heard of a dog suffered heavy casualties, kill the message everywhere was Choujia endless.

对于培生集团有意将这个拥有127年历史的报纸外售的推测早已不绝于耳,而在本周一此传闻更是甚嚣尘上。Speculation that Pearson was eying a sale of the 127-year old newspaper emerged on Monday.

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因此,关于中华鲟应允许上市销售的呼声也不绝于耳。Therefore, on Acipenser sinensis should be allowed to go on sale the voice also prevalent.

阳光下的瀑布水花洒落进小船,虫鸣声不绝于耳。Sunlit waterfall spray tumbles into our boat and a chorus of various insects rings in our ears.

即使是这样,以美国为首的西方发达国家对人民币升值的声音仍不绝于耳。Even so, the US-led Western developed countries are still prevalent sound appreciation of the RMB.

关于社交媒体惹祸的故事不绝于耳,而且社交媒体往往会发布一些未经过滤、甚至是未经证实的信息。Stories of social media mishaps abound, fueled by unfiltered, and often unapproved, communication.

因涤除权的行使给抵押权人利益带来一定的损害而备受争议,几十年来保留与废止之声不绝于耳。The idea of elimination right was in dispute for many years because it may cause harm to mortgagee.

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因此在库普夫的演讲结束之后,轰然响起的如雷掌声不绝于耳,紧接著就是一连串的问题。When Kupfer was finished, the room erupted in prolonged applause, followed by a barrage of questions.

在本届总统大选后,人们对约翰·麦卡恩失败的事后评论不绝于耳。There is no end of after-the-fact explanations for John McCain’s defeat in this presidential election.

尽管目前只在一些地方台播出,观众的赞许之声仍不绝于耳。Although it can now only be seen on some local TV channels, it`s receiving lots of praise from viewers.

南斯拉夫科索沃省北部爆发战斗,步枪和迫击炮声不绝于耳。The war broke out in north Kosovo of Yugoslavia, the noise of musketry and trench mortar is continuing around.

在食品科技日益进步的今天,发生在世界各地和我国一些地方的各种各样的食品质量安全事件不绝于耳。With the development of science and technology of food, many cases about food safety happened at home and abroad.

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所以虽然有说法不绝于耳,说我们都将孤独而死,我觉得这完全不值一提。So despite the fact that the claim we all die alone is one of these things that one hears, I think it's just nonsense.

但现在不绝于耳的是不要重蹈日本覆辙的警告,正是当初的错误导致日本经济发展的“迷失”。Nowadays, all we hear are warnings not to repeat the mistakes that resulted in Japan’s “lost decade” of economic growth.

讨价还价声经年不绝于耳,俄语、吉尔吉斯语、乌孜别克语、塔吉克语和其它语言此起彼伏。The haggling is done as it has been for years—in a mixture of Russian along with Kirgiz, Uzbek, Tajik and other tongues.