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他就是那种死硬派的现实主义者。He is that kind of hard-boiled realist.

一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms.

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这个政府里,有许多死硬派的人士吗?Do we have many hard-liners in this government?

死硬派拒绝承认飞机的重要性。Diehards refused to countenance the importance of aircraft.

只有那些死硬派才有本事把这部烂片看完。It was only the die-hards who stayed to see the end of the poor movie.

斯内普要对付一帮死硬派学生持续不断的低调反抗。Snape seemed to be facing a constant, low level of mutiny from a hard core of students.

这些死硬派份子拍下了攻击的过程,在当地市场叫卖,以警惕社会大众。The hard-liners videotaped the assault and sold copies in the local market as a warning.

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只有那些真正的死硬派嬉皮士才会用那些古老的厨房器具来处理家庭的日常杂务。Only real diehard hippies would use antique implements and appliances to tend to their daily chores.

有些共和党的死硬派听了奥巴马的本次演讲后也转变了立场,改为拥护奥巴马。Some die-hard Republicans altered their standpoint and began to support Mr. Obama after listening to this lecture.

在憎恨克林顿的死硬派眼中,克林顿夫妇的婚姻是虚假的,不过是两个野心勃勃、热衷权力的人的战略联盟。For die-hard Clinton haters, the marriage has always been a sham, a strategic alliance forged by two ambitious, power-hungry monsters.

另一位死硬派的部落客克里斯多福˙格黑贝也因为在他自己的部落格上对他所居住的巴黎郊区当局作出的种种指控,而面临多项诉讼。And one hard- charging blogger, Christophe Grébert, faced multiple lawsuits for allegations on his blog about the local government in his Paris suburb.

因为这些官员在很长时间里都在和阿富汗抵抗力量打交道,这些阿富汗人正是死硬派的圣战分子。Because as you know they were exposed to a very long engagement with the Afghan resistance and those were really jihadis of a particular hardcore kind.

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无一例外,他们说尽管少数死硬派在今后依然能够继续进行独立的袭击行动,这个组织在政治上算是完了。Without exception, they said that the group was finished in political terms, though a handful of diehards could continue isolated attacks for years to come.