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韩珊坐在山崖下的河水边,昼夜据守。HanShan sitting under the cliff edge, night and day, JuShou river.

第五新西兰旅在该山口死守了三天,这是必须据守的三天。The pass was sternly defended for the necessary three days by the 5th new zealand brigade.

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这些堡垒在1945年又被日本士兵们拼死据守。In 1945 the forts were manned by Japanese soldiers determined to hold out to the bitter end.

仅在过去的一夜,据守集结地的霉菌陆战队就二死五伤。During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded.

豪斯腾河以北,一支日军侦搜部队据守在721高地,警戒北方侧翼。North of the Holsten River, a Japanese reconnaissance unit guarded the northern flank from Hill 721.

沼泽远处岸地,也就是大约150米左右之外为德军据守之树篱。On the far side of the inland marsh, about 150 meters away, there was a hedgerow, occupied by the Germans.

当据守克里特岛的希望逐渐消失时,德国可能对叙利亚的威胁,越来越引起我们的注意。As the hopes of holding crete diminished, the possible german threat to syria commanded our increasing attention.

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经历了几桩小小的冒险之后,我到了沧县,这是国民党在华北这一带据守的最后一个城市。After a few mild adventures, I made my way down to Tsanghsien, last Kuomintang-held city in this part of North China.

快餐文明衍生快餐爱情,据守一份经久的爱情真实太熬煎人了,海枯石烂更像是一个童话。Fast food culture derived fast food love, guard a prolonged love is really suffering person, but more like a fairy tale.

周四凌晨,超过4,000名驻阿富汗美国海军陆战队士兵开始对塔利班据守的赫尔曼德省发起进攻。More than 4,000 U. S. Marines began an attack against Taliban holdouts in Afghanistan's Helmand province early Thursday morning.

如果你的探险理念是时刻知道自己在哪里,时刻据守在自己的能力范围之内,你就不会做出疯狂的新举动。If your idea of exploration is to always know where you are and to be inside your zone of competence, you don't do wild new shit.

道森连据守在一条铁路路基的一边,这条铁路把镇子分成两半。Dawson's company was on the far side of a railroad embankment that divided the town, with access only through a tunnel under the railroad.

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蒋介石据守平、津和华北一些地方,但除非他能在这个平原上打开一条通路,使他的孤处华北的部队同他的首都连成一气,否则便休想统一中国。Unless the generalissimo could beat his way across this plain and link up his capital with his isolated troops in the north, he could not hope to unify China.

半仙忽然放弃据守,单独走出大楼,一口咬掉北野武藏半个耳朵,终身害怕猥琐的算命先生终于视死如归。BanXian suddenly abandon JuShou, separately went out of the building, bite off kitano musashi an ear, lifelong fear wretched the fortune-teller finally the death.

小说的男女主人公据守恋爱的信心,一起承当磨难,最幸福的事就是天亮时,丈夫向全身瘫痪的老婆道一声“晨安”。Novel of the hero and heroine stick to love belief, jointly undertake suffering, is the happiest thing at daybreak, the husband to paralysis wife a word "good morning".