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“很难判定吗?”我以一种施助的口吻说道。“Hard to decide?” I said helpfully.

裁判员判定该进球无效。The referee called the goal illegal.

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陪审团判定被告是无辜的。The jury found the defendant innocent.

法院判定他有罪。His guiltiness was determined by the court.

例如,判定始终使用菱形表示。For example, a decision is always a diamond.

预先判定事件是不合适的。It is not appropriate to pre-judge the issue.

那么二阶导数判定是怎样的呢?So, what does the second derivative test say?

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判定事实指的是军事陪审团。The 'finder of fact' will be a military jury.

法官判定那个生意人诈欺。The judge convicted the businessman of fraud.

完全停用自适应I帧判定。Completely disables adaptive I-frame decision.

第三是森林-草原交错带的位置判定。Thirdly is judge the location of forest-steppe.

法官判定这个囚犯有罪。The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.

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目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。As of now, experts believed it is a genetic mutation.

恋爱要求忠诚,而忠诚则要求判定。Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. ----Herber.

验尸判定她死于水中毒。A postmortem found she had died of water intoxication.

支持三种类型的扇入判定点Three types of decision points for Fan In are supported

他的律师绕着圈子说话,试图把陪审团弄糊涂,但是陪审团还是忘不了那把冒烟的手枪,仍然判定他有罪。His lawyer talked in circles trying to confuse the jury.

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神圣的真理已判定民生分配失衡?To judge, with solemn truth, life's ill-apportioned lot?

当狗食被鼓动宣传是新的和改进了的口味的时候,是谁作的口味判定?When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

但这个女的从外表上就已经判定了他是个坏人。But this female judging him from appearance is a hellion.