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他就义了成功的机遇。He killed his chances of success.

势力以为就义者的痛苦是感恩戴德。Power takes as inacknowledgment the askews of its victims.

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如果能回到当时,我愿去就义。If I could return to that time, I wish I would be martyred.

士兵们知道他们已经无法逃走了,于是决心英勇就义。The soldiers knew they could not escape, so they determined to die game.

乡亲们齐刷刷的向后退了一步,于是刘胡兰就英勇就义了。All the villagers except Liu Hulan stepped backward unanimously, so she died a martyr.

阿纳金回归了光明面,但因最后一战中身受重伤而就义。Anakin suffered grievous wounds in his final battle, and died having returned to the light.

如果你一直是为了别人而就义你自己的光阴和幻想,那你就不能精确地定位你到底想在生活中得到什么。You can't pinpoint exactly what you want in life if you're constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people.

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如果一个同事“就义”他的午饭时间来帮助你,那么一张感谢卡、一件小礼物或者一次午餐的邀请就非常适宜。If a co-worker uses his lunch hour to help you, a Thank You card, a small gift, or a lunch invitation is very appropriate.

他们中的绝大部分同志在北伐战争、“八·一”南昌起义、广州起义中英勇就义。Most of them died a hero's death during the Northern Expedition, the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, and the Guangzhou Uprising.

很多奥运题材片子皆力图捕获诸如出色表示、贡献和小我就义等独特的主题。Many Olympic movies have been made, trying to capture those universal themes of excellence, commitment, and personal sacrifice.

土地是世界上独一值得你去为之工作,为之战役,为之就义的东西,由于它是唯一永恒的货色。Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.

前人一直的奋斗与就义,直到单手皮启肉绽,我们才能享有比较好的生活。Time and again, these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life.

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固然大婶在周五之前仅以均匀27.8分屈居得分榜第二,但这是他为了球队作出的本人在进攻数据上的就义。Although Bryant was second in the league in scoring with an average of 27.8 points before Friday, he has sacrificed some of his offensive numbers for the good of the team.

昨日,前来我市考察的澳门贸易投资促进局与我市正式就义博会和澳门国际贸易投资展览会签订合作备忘录。Yesterday, while visiting Yiwu, Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau signed a memorandum with us for the cooperation of Yiwu Fair and Macao International Trade Investment Fair.

同盟反抗军的男男女女都献身于以自由为原则,坚守民主的事业,为目睹帝国的毁灭,他们前仆后继,英勇就义,在所不惜。The men and women of the Rebel Alliance are fiercely dedicated to the principle of freedom and their belief in democracy, willing to lay down their lives to see the fall of the Empire.

我们在电影戏剧里看到“刘胡兰”就义的画面,觉得不够真实,如果时光倒流,假如你能来到那个现场,肯定是像我看枪杀李宝珠一样,就是一个恐怖与血腥的场面。When seeing killing Liu Hulan in a film or drama, we feel the scene is not so real. If you had come to the spot, you might see the terrible and bloody scene that Li Baozhu was killing as what I did.

他说他们有勇无谋,居然敢这样舍身就义,葬身兽腹也不怕,就像我们在伊格那丢的书信中看到的那样,让野兽来咬我。He just says they're foolhardy in being willing to throw themselves on a sword the way they do, and throw themselves to the beasts as we've seen Ignatius do in his letters, let the beasts come to me.