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那位夫人说情让黑人们免于受罚。The lady said something to get the niggers off.

当他试着说情时很快被制止了。He was quickly snubbed when he tried to intercede.

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搞得我似乎要找他领导说情一样,晕!Gaode I seem to intercede to find his leadership, like halo!

大量的说情信件落入了调查人之手。A large number of compromising letters fell into the hands of investigators.

我了解他。我知道,为乔治说情,就会毁了他的事。I do. I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause.

当时有这一种观念,殉道者可以当说情者,为活着基督徒说情。This idea that martyrs could be intercessors for living Christians develops.

苔丝狄蒙娜好凯西奥,你放心吧,我一定尽力替你说情就是了。Desdemona. Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will doAll my abilities in thy behalf.

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要是我父亲为我说情的话,老板可能会决定再给我一次机会。If my father puts in a good word for me, the boss may decide to give me another chance.

他没有想过,喧嚣的空气里,有个女孩,愿意和他坐在自助银行里说情话。Never had he realized that there was a girl willing to say sweet nothings to him in the self-help bank.

演戏又演砸了,老宋就让宋晓峰去找王云,让王去找刘大脑袋说情。Acting and smashed, odbo let xiao-feng song to find wang yunwu, let the king to find liu big head sermons.

默乃劳明知自己已失败,遂许给多黎默乃的儿子仆托肋米大批金银,讬他向国王代为说情。But Menelaus being convicted, promised Ptolemee to give him much money to persuade the king to favour him.

素琪去找岳嬷嬷说情,她当然也得有相应的行动才行。Vegetable Qi seek Yue mama to mention emotion, she certainly must also has homologous movement to just go.

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最后,李通过请他的老师戴龙邦的母亲说情,说服了老师教授他所有的形意拳知识。Ultimately, Li persuaded his teacher Dai Long Bang to fully impart his knowledge by having Dai's mother plead his case.

一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。The general good man thinks to say the sweet prattle is flippant, frivolous and disgusting performance, so don't wish to do.

一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。Some traditional men regard speaking affective words as the behavior of glib, flirtatious and disgusting, so they would rather not to say.

二人这是严重违纪,幸亏有龙百川说情才留在部队,但兽营已经不再是他们的家了。Two men this is serious infractions, thanks to the dragon bacc the intercession to stay in force, but the beast camp is no longer their home.

高勒说情侣之间交流的频繁程度几乎不影响他们是否呆在一个地方或是他们之间关系的好坏。Guldner says frequency of communication between partners "has almost no impact on whether they stayed together or the quality of the relationship."

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回到根据地,政委批评张敢为无组织无纪律,奶奶前来说情,也被政委教育一番。Back to base, political commissar criticized zhang dare to no organization and discipline, grandma came to the sermons, has also been commissar education.

崔折中答应了慧玲,带她去见白毛鬼,也在白毛鬼面前说情,留李允一命,让他返乡。Cui compromise agreed hui ling, take her to see the white ghost, MAO also in front of the white hairs ghost to intercede, leave Li Yun life, let him return home.

我们祷告上最大的帮手就是主耶稣基督,祂是我们在父那里的中保、我们的大祭司,祂现在主要的职务,就是替我们在父前说情、代求。OUR great Helper in prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ, our Advocate with the Father, our Great High Priest, whose chief ministry for us these centuries has been intercession and prayer.